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The question is not clear... but there is no aspirin in xanax, and there is no xanax in aspirin.

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12y ago

No, there is not any Tylenol in Xanax or Valium.

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7y ago

You should always look on the packet to check the ingredients, but NO its active ingredient is a benzodiazepine.

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Q: Is there any Tylenol or Aspirin in Xanax or Valium?
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What does BZO stand for on a drug test?

benzodiazepine (i.e. Lithium, Valium, etc.)

How much stronger than Valium is rohypnol?

Rohypnol is MUCH MUCH STRONGER than Valium. I say much twice..because for once it is stronger than Xanax & VALIUM. It contains 10 mgs of Valium, which would equal about .5 mgs of Xanax, this meaning that Xanax (Alprazolam) is a more potent drug than Valium (Diazapam)! Xanax is also a much quicker acting drug than Valium & also stronger. One blue 10mg Valium equals to 0.50mg of Xanax. That is how strong Xanax is. Then I say MUCH AGAIN because Rohypnol is stronger than other benzodiazepines, such as Valium, Xanax, and Halcion. 10mg tab of diazepam, and half the strength of a 1mg tab of Xanax, equivalence-wise. Rohypnol is 7 to 10 times stronger than Valium. Rohypnol's effects include sedation, muscle relaxation, reduction in anxiety, and prevention of convulsions. It's also very addictive, so never use Rohypnol in the long-term. This drug should only be prescribed for short-term treatment of any of the above issues. Hope this answered your question :) xXx

What kind of blood test will show xanax in your system?

Test which check for Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Librium, Serax, Rohypnol)for example - 12 panel urine test

Can you take any kind of aspirin while pregnant?

According to my Obstetrician you can take Tylenol or Ibuprophen while pregnant.

Is vicodin stronger than xanax?

The difference between Hydrocodone and Xanax is Hydrocodone is an opioid pain killer.Xanax is a class of drug called a benzodiazapine prescribed for anxiety or panic attacks.Other drugs in this class are Valium,klonopin,and Librium. ===ANOTHER ANSWER=== FIRST ANSWER IS correct. HYDROCODONE is a narcotic analgesic (painkiller) commonly known as Vicodin (hydrocodone + Tylenol), or Lortab, or Lorcet. It has the potential to be abused or addictive. XANAX is an anti-anxiety, that also has the potential to becoming addictive, but much less than others in its class like Valium (diazepam) or Klonopin (clonazepam). Also, never abruptly stop taking any of these three.

Is there any aspirin in Excedrin PM?

No, there is no aspirin in the current formulation of Excedrin PM. Excedrin PM contains acetaminophen [Tylenol] (500mg per tablet) and diphenhydramine [Benadryl] (38mg).

If you take methadone can you take Tylenol codeine?

No, methodone does not contain any acetaminophen. Tylenol contains acetaminophen.

Can you drink beer while taking xaxax?

If you mean Xanax, then - No. Never mix any benzodiazipine, such as Xanax, Valium, Ativan, etc., with alcohol. The combination can potentially slow your rate of respiration to the point where you fall asleep and never wake up.

What drug would show positive for aspirin in the five main drugs in a drug test?

Any med like tylenol, laratabs, etc. that has acetomenophine in it.

Example of over the counter drugs?

advil, tylenol, motrin, docolax, any vitamin/minerals, robotussin, mucinex.

Can twenty years of use and abuse of xanax and valium cause brain damage?

Depends on the definition of brain damage. There isn't enough information or studies made in the past years to draw conclusion on Xanax's or Valium's causing brain any tissue damage, but there are some long term side effects that can be seen. If used for too long, both can cause the exact opposite of what they are designed for. Especially Xanax is known for causing intense shaking, high blood pressure and intense anxiety in long term use, which might eventually even lead to one's death.When used for such a long time, it is recommended you get off the medicine the exact moment. The abuse of Xanax and Valium is incredibly dangerous and can be fatal.

How many hours after you take xanax will it show up in urine test?

From my experience, any benzo(xanax, valium) was out of my system in 3 days. But that was with occasional use. From what I've seen, that tends to be the usual time frame. If you are using them frequently, be aware that you may experience withdrawl.