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Q: In cars can you unlock other people like snot rod and all that on Wii?
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How do you get baby peach on Mario Cart?

You have to play vs races and you will unlock different things like different tracks, cars and people

How do you unlock cars in Lego Racers Crosstown Craze?

You have to go to a store like walmart or finders keepers.

Why people like keras the cars?

I do not like it or dislike it, because I do not know what keras the cars is.

Where could one donate a car if one was Jewish?

Jewish people just like every other person can donate cars on websites like Kidney Cars, American Diabetes Association, Donate A Car or Cars for a Cure.

Where do tsunmi come from?

the rivers and seas... but they kill people, houses, and other objets like cars, trucks, and buses.

Do Scottish people like cars?

that's a weird question. im sure a lot of people in the world will not like cars for whatever reason but millions of scottish people use them so id have to say ON AVERAGE..... yes, scottish people do like cars..

What do people drive in Iceland?

Cars.... Normal cars like Nissan and Toyota...

Are there cars in Jamaica?

Yes, like most other countries, there are cars in Jamaica.

How Do People Travel In Lazio Italy?

People have similar transportation in Lazio Italy just like in other places. There are cars planes, as well as trains.

How do most people travel to work where you live?

they drive cars, like any other person in the country and in the 21st century

Why people likes big cars?

people like big cars because they are spacey and most of them have nice features

Why people like cars?

People like cars because that give the owner the ability to get where they need to go. They allow people to get to work to make money, so they can support their family.