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During the Civil War, Jasper was the youngest major in Texas who was apart of the Confederate Army. He was in charge of evacuating women & children from city's where there was 2 be a battle.

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The Civil War.

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He was the vice captian.

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In the movie eclipse will they tell Jasper's history or not?

yes in the book they do and it is an important part of the book so im guesing they will in eclipse, if they show rosalies they will have to show jaspers. In breaking dawn when Bella is new born she sees the scars easily so we will need to Know where the scars came from

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Karl Jaspers died on February 26, 1969 at the age of 86.

What has the author Reiner Jaspers written?

Reiner Jaspers has written: 'Die missionarische Erschliessung Ozeaniens'