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Q: In experiment preparation of copper (II) oxalate complex why the melting point of copper (II) oxalate not meet theory?
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Choose the correct formula for this compound silver oxalate?

The formula for silver oxalate is Ag2C2O4.

Why you add H2o2 in preparation of ferric oxalate?

Because it is oxidising agent convert iron (+2) to iron (+3)

What is the product between Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium trioxalate Chromium 3 trihydrate?

A complex,potassium tri oxalate,.........

Why potassium oxalate is acidified before titration?

If the temperature is too low (below 55 degrees celsius), the interaction between the oxalate and the potassium permanganate will move too slow as to be used as a practical lab experiment. *** Above 60 degrees celsius, oxalate acid begins to decompose, so it's important to stay in this range.

What is the chemical formula for chromium oxalate?

chromium(III) oxalate [Cr(ox)3]3- this is the actual formula. Chromuim (III) oxalate is the name of the complex. The (ox) being the ligands attached to the metal centre.

What is the chemical abbreviation for Ferric Ammonium Oxalate?


What can be the viva questions on oxalate ions?

Oxalates are salts of oxalic acid containing oxalate ion. Oxalate ion is a dianion. Upon protonation, oxalate ion forms a commonly known compound, oxalic acid. The commonly known oxalate salts are sodium oxalate, potassium oxalate etc. The calcium metal ion reacts with oxalate ion to form an insoluble precipitate of calcium oxalate, which is the primary constituent of most of the common kind of Kidney stones.

What is the function of p-aminodimethylaniline oxalate?

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Oxalate content of guava fruit?

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How can you separate ferrous oxalate from titanium oxalate?

If you want to separate ferrous oxalate from titanium oxalate, you need to put them in an alkaline solution and introduce heat. They should break apart into their two respective oxolates.

Why table reagent sulfuric acid is used in oxalic acid before titration with potassium permaganate?

If the temperature is too low (below 55 degrees celsius), the interaction between the oxalate and the potassium permangante will move too slow as to be used as a practical lab experiment. *** Above 60 degrees celsius, oxalate acid begins to decompose, so its important to stay in this range If the temperature is too low (below 55 degrees celsius), the interaction between the oxalate and the potassium permangante will move too slow as to be used as a practical lab experiment. *** Above 60 degrees celsius, oxalate acid begins to decompose, so its important to stay in this range

What is the valency and formula of oxalate?

For example sodium oxalate has the chemical formula Na2C2O4.