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Q: In federalist no. 51 James Madison argued that?
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Who argued that If men were angels no government would be necessary?

James Madison

Which concept is James Madison discussing in the Federalist Paper 51?

James Madison is discussing the concept of Checks and Balances in the Federalist Paper 51.

What is the end or supreme goal of government according to Madison?

James Madison states in the Federalist 51 that "justice is the end of government"

What is Federalist Paper about?

Federalist No. 51 discusses checks and balances, and the concept of a federal government under a system of separation of powers. It was written by James Madison.

Article 51 of the federalist papers?

There is no "Article 51" of the Federalist Papers. There is Federalist 51, which was written by James Madison, and most famously discusses the "checks and balances" of our government.the importance of check and balancesThe provide the proper Checks and Balances between the different Departments in our government.

How does Madison use federalist 51 to support the argument regarding the dangers of factions in federalist 10?


Who wrote Federalist 47 and what was the main topic?

James Madison is the esteemed author of Federalist 10 and the main topic he discussed was factions (that is, special interest groups). He discussed how to control factions and also their threat to the nation.

How many of the Federalist Papers did James Madison write?

Yes. James Madison was one of three authors of the Federalist Papers. He wrote 28 of the 85 essays: Numbers 10, 14, 37-58 and 62-63. The other two authors were Alexander Hamilton (who wrote 52 essays) and John Jay (who wrote only 5).

Based on Federalist 51 which branch did Madison think would be the weakest?

Madison believed that the judicial branch would be the weakest because it lacked the power of the purse or the sword. He argued that the judiciary's influence would be limited to judgment and interpretation rather than enforcement.

In federalist 51 what deviations does Madison make regarding the judiciary as compared with the other two branches of government?

In federalist 51, one of the deviations that Madison makes regarding the judiciary as compared with the other two branches of government is the mode of choice of public officers.

Was James Madison part of the Framers?

Yes - he was one of the few delegates at the Constitutional Convention with perfect attendance and it's because of Madison's notes we know so much about what went on (not to mention that 30 of the 85 Federalist Papers, including the famed 10 and 51, were written by him).

What was written in effort to ratify the constitution?

The Federalist Papers were a set of 85 essays that were intended to build support in the states to ratify the U.S. Constitution. The Father of the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton, convinced John Jay and James Madison to join the cause. Hamilton wrote 51, Madison 29, and Jay five.