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Q: In Hinduism there are many gods. Which god should I pray to?
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Is Hinduism monotheistic?

Yes and no. Hindus pray to many gods but usually there is a supreme God (with a capital G) who is the ultimate power in the universe.

What are sum Hinduism rituals?

One ritual is that they do bathing rituals where the people go in a holy bath and pray to their gods while they sit.

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Which god you should pray to?

AnswerYou should pray to whichever god you believe in and believe can help you. For many, this is the Abrahamic God of Judaism, Christianity or Judaism, but others find comfort in praying to one or more of the many other gods that are believed to exist.

Who do the Hinduism pray to?

the wrong god(s)

How many gods do mulims pray?

There is only one god, which is alla.

Why did people pray to seth the Egyptian?

to pray to the gods

What is an untouchable's dharma?

for an untouchable, he should practice his duties and pray to gods. He should serve people of other castes.

What are Hindu beliefs on pray in schools?

in India & many other places people pray in schools before the class begins. It is considered very good to pray before you start studying in Hinduism.

Are the gods still alive now?

I am just saying you should pray to them but you don't have to I mean its your choice

What is the scared building of Hinduism?

the sacred building of Hinduism is called a Temple. People of Hinduism pray inside this Temple & worship God.

Who did Zeus pray for?

Zeus did not pray as he was considered the King of the Gods