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Q: In logistic growth curve exponential growth is the phase in which population?
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What kind of graphs does exponential growth makes?

A curve

What is the letter used to refer to the characteristics shape of an exponential growth curve?


What are the advantages and disadvantage of logistic regression compared with linear regression analysis?

It all depends on what data set you're working with. There a quite a number of different regression analysis models that range the gambit of all functions you can think of. Obviously some are more useful than others. Logistic regression is extremely useful for population modelling because population growth follows a logistic curve. The final goal for any regression analysis is to have a mathematical function that most closely fits your data, so advantages and disadvantages depend entirely upon that.

Why is Moore's law line a straight graph?

Moore's Law states essentially the exponential nature of the curve existing between transistor count in a single chip and passed time in years. Although in most websites and sources, the curve shown is straight with transistor # being in the Y axis, it must be observed, Moore stated that the curve is exponential. Thus the graphs, if linear are logarithmic curves, as a log graph for an exponential curve is linear in nature. So instead of transistor nos (x) , we use ln(x)

What is absolute growth rate curve?

Absolute growth rate(agr) curve enables us to express the growth of organisms in terms f growth rate. In most organism, agr increases steadily until reaches a maximum and then, gradually falls. Agr is a bell-shaped curve.

Related questions

When the exponential phase of a logistic growth curve of a population ceases what happen to population growth?

population growth begins to slow down

When does logistic growth occurs?

Logistic growth occurs when a population's growth slows and then stops, fallowing a period of exponential growthex; a lot of familiar plant and animal populations fallow a logestic growth curve.

Compare the exponential model and the logistic model of population growth. (?

An exponential model has a j-shaped growth rate that increases dramatically over a period of time with unlimited resources. A logistic model of population growth has a s-shaped curve with limited resources leading to a slow growth rate.

What would An s shaped population growth curve best describes what?

logistic growth

On a logistic population growth curve the growth starts to slow down after initial growth because there aren't enough resources to support as many new individuals?

exponential (<-----Apex)

What does a population graph with an S-curve show?

Logistic growth

What type of population growth curve shows a carrying capacity?

Logistic Growth

What are the growth stages within a logistic growth curve?

4 stages lag phase, exponential phase, stationary phase and, decelerating phase

The various growth phases through which most population go are represented on a?

a logistic growth curve

What is the characteristic shape of logistic growth curve?

The classic "S" shaped curve that is characteristic of logistic growth.

What is the characteristics shape of a logistic growth curve?

The classic "S" shaped curve that is characteristic of logistic growth.

What does exponential growth curve represent?

exponential curve is when the unlimited source occur and mortility rate is lower, the individual in a population increase vigorously, no competition,