


Transportation and Logistics

Logistics refers to the act of coordinating and managing the transfer of goods from a source to a specific destination. Transportation is a vital part of logistics as it requires the use of trucks or ships in moving the goods.

3,178 Questions

What are the measurements of a bus stop?

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Asked by Wiki User

Typically, a standard bus stop measures around 8 feet wide by 5 feet deep, with a shelter or bench occupying part of that space. The size may vary depending on the location and level of usage.

Can you load battery acid in the same trailer as division 6.1 cyanides?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is not safe to load battery acid and division 6.1 cyanides in the same trailer. Combining these materials can produce dangerous reactions and increase the risk of spills, leaks, or other hazardous incidents during transport. It is important to separate incompatible chemicals to prevent accidents and ensure safety.

What are the 3 phases of Supportability Analysis and what are their goals?

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The three phases of Supportability Analysis are: Determination of support requirements (goal: identify support needs), Development of support concepts (goal: define solutions to meet support needs), and Evaluation of support concepts (goal: assess effectiveness of solutions).

Why does it appear that the human population does not follow the logistic growth curve?

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Asked by Wiki User

The human population doesn't perfectly fit the logistic growth curve due to various factors, such as technological advancements that increase carrying capacity, migration patterns, and social dynamics influencing birth rates. Additionally, unpredictable events like wars, diseases, or natural disasters can disrupt population growth patterns. These complexities make it challenging for human population growth to conform strictly to a logistic model.

What matric subjects do you need to study biokinetics?

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Asked by Wiki User

To study biokinetics, it is recommended to take subjects such as Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Biology in high school. These subjects provide a solid foundation in the relevant scientific principles required for a career in biokinetics. Additional subjects such as Life Sciences and Physical Education may also be beneficial.

Which mechanism of microevolution has been most affected by the ease of human travel resulting from new modes of transportation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gene flow has been most affected by the ease of human travel resulting from new modes of transportation. Humans traveling across vast distances can introduce new genes into isolated populations or facilitate the mixing of gene pools, which can lead to increased genetic diversity within populations.

What methods of transportation do urban areas depend upon?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

Urban areas depend on a mix of transportation methods, including buses, subways, trains, cycling, and walking, to efficiently move people within the city. In some cities, private vehicles and ride-sharing services also play a significant role in urban transportation. The availability of various transportation options helps reduce traffic congestion and improve overall accessibility.

Who was the first volcanologist?

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Georgius Agricola is often credited as one of the first volcanologists for his work studying volcanic activity in the 16th century. His observations and writings on volcanoes laid the groundwork for the future study of volcanic processes.

What are bad things about oil?

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Oil extraction and consumption contribute to air pollution, water pollution, and habitat destruction. Additionally, the burning of oil releases greenhouse gases which contribute to climate change. Oil spills can also have devastating effects on marine life and ecosystems.

What is the natural barrier to river transportation?

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Rapids, waterfalls, and steep gradients in the riverbed can act as natural barriers to river transportation by making it difficult or impossible for boats to navigate through these sections. These obstacles pose challenges for safe passage and can limit the efficiency of river transport.

What is a transportation barrier?

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A transportation barrier refers to any obstacle or limitation that prevents or hinders the movement of goods, services, or people from one place to another. Examples include lack of infrastructure, high costs, regulations, or physical barriers like mountains or bodies of water. These barriers can impact economic development, access to resources, and overall mobility.

How do you travel from Heathrow airport to Woodbridge meadows Guildford UK?

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The most convenient way to travel from Heathrow airport to Woodbridge Meadows in Guildford is by taking a combination of a train and a taxi. You can take the Heathrow Express train to London Paddington station, then transfer to a South Western Railway train to Guildford. From Guildford station, you can take a taxi to Woodbridge Meadows.

What are the new developments which are improving communnication routes in higher altitude?

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Some new developments improving communication routes in higher altitudes include satellite communication technology, high-altitude platforms like drones and balloons, and advancements in long-range radio and laser communication systems. These technologies provide reliable connectivity for remote locations, disaster management, and scientific research in challenging environments.

The life history pattern in which population growth is logistic from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The life history pattern in which population growth is logistic is known as the logistic growth model. This model describes how populations initially grow exponentially, but eventually reach a carrying capacity where growth levels off due to limited resources or other constraints. The logistic growth model is often represented by an S-shaped curve.

Graph of a logistic population growth?

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The logistic growth model is an S-shaped curve that levels off over time as a population approaches its carrying capacity. Initially, growth is exponential until resources become limited, causing the growth rate to slow down. The curve rises rapidly at first, then gradually levels off as the population stabilizes.

What are the phases of logistic growth curve?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are three phases in a logistic growth curve:

1 - Lag phase: the initial stage on which population growth rates are slow as a result of a small population size (occurs when the population is small and is increasing slowly)

2- Log phase: The stage in which population growth rates are very rapid (occurs when the population undergoes very rapid growth)

3- Stationary phase: The phase in which population growth rates decrease as the population size reaches the carrying capacity and stabilizes (occurs at or close to the carrying capacity of the environment)


Pictures of different types of transportation?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm unable to provide pictures. However, common types of transportation include cars, buses, trains, airplanes, bicycles, and boats. Each mode of transportation serves a specific purpose in helping people travel from one place to another.

What are different types of transport?

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Different types of transport include road transport (cars, buses, motorcycles), rail transport (trains, trams), air transport (airplanes, helicopters), water transport (ships, boats), and pipeline transport (for liquids and gases). Each type of transport has its own advantages and is used for different purposes depending on distance, speed, and cargo requirements.

Why are submarines made of a high alloy steel?

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Submarines are made of high alloy steel because it offers strength, durability, and excellent corrosion resistance in harsh marine environments. This type of steel can withstand high pressure and extreme conditions experienced underwater, making it ideal for use in submarines.

What determines the interstate number?

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Interstate numbers are assigned based on their location and direction. Even numbers generally run east-west, with lower numbers in the north, while odd numbers usually run north-south, with lower numbers in the west. Major routes may end in 0 or 5.

What is mixed cargo?

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Mixed cargo refers to a shipment that contains a variety of different goods or products in one single consignment. These goods may vary in size, shape, weight, and type, and are typically loaded together in a single container or vessel for transport. Mixed cargo is commonly used in logistics to optimize space and reduce transportation costs by consolidating various items into one shipment.

What is the freight class for magnets?

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Magnets are typically classified as Class 60 under the NMFC (National Motor Freight Classification) system. This classification is based on factors such as density, stowability, handling, and liability.

Does snow or leaves obstruct a RFID reader?

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Asked by Readingtrain

Snow can obstruct RFID signals because it is a physical barrier that can disrupt the transmission. Leaves can also interfere with RFID signals, depending on their thickness and moisture content. It is important to maintain a clear path between the RFID reader and the tag to ensure reliable communication.

What is physical distribution in logistics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Physical distribution in logistics refers to the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the movement of goods from the point of production to the point of consumption. It involves activities such as transportation, warehousing, inventory management, and order processing to ensure that products are delivered to customers in a timely and cost-effective manner. Efficient physical distribution is essential for reducing lead times, reducing costs, and improving customer satisfaction.