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1) Because of his appearance (he was fat) 2) He wore glasses and suffered from Asthma (which he used as reason to avoid work and physical exertion) 3) He didn't join activities such as as swimming or hunting 3) He was quite intelligent and some of his ideas were very adult and out of keeping with those of most of the other boys. 4) He knew that Jack disliked him and said so, which the others thoughts was somehow "unsporting" as they probably considered that youshouldn'ty mention personal issues like that

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Piggy was considered an outsider by the other boys due to his physical appearance, poor eyesight, and lack of athleticism, which made him less valuable in their eyes. He also possessed a different intellectual maturity and sense of responsibility, which set him apart from the more impulsive and savage behaviors exhibited by the other boys.

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Q: In lord of the flies why was piggy an outsider to the other older boys?
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In lord of the flies how do the boy react to piggy?

Huh ! They feels that he is an outsider !

How and why is piggy considered by the others to be an outsider in the lords of the flies?

because he is fat and ugly

How is piggy considered the outsider in lord of the flies?

Piggy is considered the outsider in "Lord of the Flies" due to his physical appearance, lack of social skills, and intellectual nature, which isolate him from the other boys. His asthma, glasses, and obesity mark him as different and make him a target for ridicule and bullying. Additionally, Piggy's emphasis on reason and logic sets him apart from the other boys, who are more focused on primal instincts and power dynamics.

Why does piggy in the lord of the flies not get the list of names?

Piggy doesn't get the list of names because he is not invited to join the group of boys who are exploring the island during the assembly. The boys exclude Piggy because they view him as an outsider and don't value his input or opinions as much as they should.

Why is piggy to be an outsider?

because all the people on the farm is vegetarian

What does piggys name mean in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," Piggy's nickname reflects both his physical appearance and his societal standing. The name "Piggy" is used as a derogatory term by the other boys, symbolizing his outsider status and lack of power within the group. It also alludes to his asthma and general fragility, contrasting with the savagery and brutality that unfold on the island.

What further characteristics of piggy are revealed in ch 1 lord of the flies?

In Chapter 1 of "Lord of the Flies," Piggy is presented as vulnerable and intelligent. He struggles with physical limitations, like his asthma, and is shown to be an outsider among the group of boys. Piggy's reliance on reason and logic becomes apparent as he tries to establish order and rationality among the boys.

How was Piggy handicapped in the Lord of the Flies?

Piggy in "Lord of the Flies" is not physically handicapped, but he wears glasses and has poor eyesight, which makes him vulnerable and reliant on others. This physical trait sets him apart from the other boys on the island and contributes to his outsider status within the group.

How do the other feel about piggy in Lord of the Flies?

The other boys in "Lord of the Flies" view Piggy as an outcast and a target for their bullying. They see him as weak, annoying, and a hindrance to their desire for power and control on the island. Despite Piggy's intelligence and good intentions, the boys' disdain for him ultimately leads to tragic consequences.

In Lord of the Flies chapter 2 why is it hard for the boys to hear Piggy?

It isn't hard for the boys to hear Piggy, the truth is that they just don't want to listen to him. The fire is exciting and Piggy isn't, he whines a lot about things that most of the other boys find totally boring. Piggy is considered to be an outsider, he doesn't fit in and the majority of the boys consider him a joke and unworthy of respect, so they just don't listen to him. Jack in particular dislikes Piggy and his usual response to anything that Piggy says is, "shut up!"

Are you surprised that piggy is treat as an outsider?

No, because I am a keen observer of the human condition.

How is piggy treated differently than everyone else in the Lord of the Flies?

Piggy is treated differently in "Lord of the Flies" because he is a physically weak and socially awkward boy. He is often bullied and marginalized by the other boys, who see him as an outsider due to his intellectual nature and reliance on his glasses. Piggy's lack of physical abilities and social skills make him an easy target for ridicule and mistreatment.