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Q: In meiosis the way chromosome pairs separate does not affect how other pairs separate is?
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What is the change in chromosome number in meiosis?

The Reduction of Chromosome Number in Meiosis Is Determined by Properties Built into the Chromosomes. In meiosis I, two chromatids move to each spindle pole. Then, in meiosis II, the two are distributed, one to each future gamete. This requires that meiosis I chromosomes attach to the spindle differently than meiosis II chromosomes and that they regulate chromosome cohesion differently. We investigated whether the information that dictates the division type of the chromosome comes from the whole cell, the spindle, or the chromosome itself. Also, we determined when chromosomes can switch from meiosis I behavior to meiosis II behavior. We used a micromanipulation needle to fuse grasshopper spermatocytes in meiosis I to spermatocytes in meiosis II, and to move chromosomes from one spindle to the other. Chromosomes placed on spindles of a different meiotic division always behaved as they would have on their native spindle; e.g., a meiosis I chromosome attached to a meiosis II spindle in its normal fashion and sister chromatids moved together to the same spindle pole. We also showed that meiosis I chromosomes become competent meiosis II chromosomes in anaphase of meiosis I, but not before. The patterns for attachment to the spindle and regulation of cohesion are built into the chromosome itself. These results suggest that regulation of chromosome cohesion may be linked to differences in the arrangement of kinetochores in the two meiotic divisions.

How could a zygote be produced with an XYY karyotype?

An XYY zygote can be formed if a pair of sex chromosomes fails to separate during meiosis, so the gamete formed has both the X and Y chromosomes. This gamete would then meet the other gamete from the other cell that would contain a Y sex chromosome. The resulting zygote that is formed would have XYY sex chromosomes. This abnormalty where there is an extra chromosome or is missing a chromosome is called nondisjunction.

What would most likely to the alleles for two different traits during meiosis if they were located on the same chromosome?

If the alleles are close enough to each other they will have a very low likelihood of crossing over separately during meiosis. The farther apart they are on the chromosome the higher the likelihood they will be separated during crossing over.

Is homologous chromosomes only present in cells that undergo meiosis?

Usually they dont as homologous chromosomes form bivalents with other homologous chromosomes and crossing over occurs between the 2. But if a chiasmata does form between the t homologous chromosomes they can change information.

What mistakes occur during meiosis?

There are two problems I've heard about that can occur during meiosis. 1) Homologues (chromosomes that have the same kind of genetic information) might not separate during meiosis 1. 2) A fragment of a chromosome can be lost.

Related questions

In meiosis the way in which a chromosome pair separates does not affect the way other pairs separate is another way of expressing Mendel's law of?

independent assortment

What is Meiosis definition?

Meiosis is the type of cell division that results in gametes (sex cells) that possess half the chromosome number of the parent cell. In other words, meiosis reduces the chromosome number by one-half.

Crossing over occurs during which phase of meiosis?

Crossing over occurs during Prophase I of meiosis.

What is the change in chromosome number in meiosis?

The Reduction of Chromosome Number in Meiosis Is Determined by Properties Built into the Chromosomes. In meiosis I, two chromatids move to each spindle pole. Then, in meiosis II, the two are distributed, one to each future gamete. This requires that meiosis I chromosomes attach to the spindle differently than meiosis II chromosomes and that they regulate chromosome cohesion differently. We investigated whether the information that dictates the division type of the chromosome comes from the whole cell, the spindle, or the chromosome itself. Also, we determined when chromosomes can switch from meiosis I behavior to meiosis II behavior. We used a micromanipulation needle to fuse grasshopper spermatocytes in meiosis I to spermatocytes in meiosis II, and to move chromosomes from one spindle to the other. Chromosomes placed on spindles of a different meiotic division always behaved as they would have on their native spindle; e.g., a meiosis I chromosome attached to a meiosis II spindle in its normal fashion and sister chromatids moved together to the same spindle pole. We also showed that meiosis I chromosomes become competent meiosis II chromosomes in anaphase of meiosis I, but not before. The patterns for attachment to the spindle and regulation of cohesion are built into the chromosome itself. These results suggest that regulation of chromosome cohesion may be linked to differences in the arrangement of kinetochores in the two meiotic divisions.

Propose how crossing-over during meiosis might affect the segregation of genes that are on the same chromosomes?

Segregation is the separating of genes into different cells during meiosis. We have found that there are many more genes that display segregation than there are chromosomes. The explaination is crossing-over - where during prophase I chromosome arms of homologous chromosomes break off and attach to each other. This allows genes on the same chromosome to segregate.

Chromosome number that results from meiosis is called?

Meiosis reduces the number of chromosome sets from two (diploid), to one (haploid). In mitosis the daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cell, but meiosis produces cells that differ genetically from the parent cell as well as each other. In the final stage of meiosis II there end up being 4n daughter cells. So remember mitosis is diploid and meiosis is haploid.

How are the process of mitosis and meiosis similar to each other?

Both processes begin with similar events, including chromosome replication.

How could a zygote be produced with an XYY karyotype?

An XYY zygote can be formed if a pair of sex chromosomes fails to separate during meiosis, so the gamete formed has both the X and Y chromosomes. This gamete would then meet the other gamete from the other cell that would contain a Y sex chromosome. The resulting zygote that is formed would have XYY sex chromosomes. This abnormalty where there is an extra chromosome or is missing a chromosome is called nondisjunction.

How is anaphase I of meiosis different than anaphase of mitosis?

In anaphase for both types of cell division, the centromeres of each chromosome separates and the spindle fibers pull apart the sister chromosomes. In mitosis, this is the shortest phase of cell division.However, the differences between mitosis and meiosis are different. Because meiosis is when chromosomes are "mixed and matched" in order to make new different combinations, the strands are only mixed up so when they split, they have new genes at their ends. Because mitosis is when chromosomes are duplicated, or cloned, and are copies of each other, when they split, the new cell is the exact same copy as the original.

Allels separate from each other so that each gamete carries a single copy of a gene in what?

Linked genes are genes for different traits that are on the same chromosome do not assort independently. Therefore most of the time they move together during Meiosis one instead of separating from each other

How are cells of a person with Down syndrome different from those of a person without the disorder?

In Down syndrome, a person's cells have an extra copy of chromosome 21. In other words, instead of a pair of chromosomes, a person with Down syndrome has three of that chromosome. Down syndrome most often occurs when chromosomes fail to separate properly during meiosis. People with Down syndrome have a degree of mental retardation. Heart defects are also common, but can be treated.

In what type of cell division does the chromosome number reduce by one half and gametes form?

Meiosis produces gametes which have half the number of chromosomes that other cells of the body have.