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Yes it is possible to draw disability and work part time; however there are certain restrictions you need to be aware of. This site may be able to answer some of your questions,

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Q: In new york can you collect permanent ssdi and work part time?
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You collect SSDI and was also working part time can you collect New York state unemployment insurance?

Just an FYI: When there's any change in status, you should contact the NYS unemployment ins. agency. Their number is listed on their website. While SSDI is not a financial-need program, it assumes you are considered disabled enough not to either work or continue doing what you used to do when you collect it. In my situation, SSDI encouraged me to continue applying for jobs (I did) while I waited to be approved. However, once approved I notified NYS U.I. and they've requested I fill out a questionnaire/form describing why I can continue collecting unemployment while collecting SSDI. If you do not call them, they may ask to be paid back. If I can continue to collect U.I. (pending their review), I will notify SSDI of the payments I'm receiving. Unemployment insurance is generally based on State law. However, you can apply for and collect unemployment insurance benefits because SSDI is not a financial-need-based program, while unemployment is. Therefore your SSDI should not affect your eligibility for unemployment benefits in New York.

Can a California resident collect Social Security Disability Insurance and Unemployment Insurance benefits at same time?

To collect SSDI you have to prove you are totally disabled and unable to work. Unemployment compensation requires you to be willing, able, and actively seeking full time work immediately. These two concepts are mutually exclusive, so No, you could not collect both at the same time.

Is there a way you can do a part time job and stay within the MS Guidelines of Social Security Disability?

If you make less than about $1000 per month. The amount increases every year. You can cause SSDI to check you out to see if you no longer needs SSDI.

Can you collect unemployment in IL if you lost your part time job but still work a full time job?

Can you collect unemployment in PA if you lost your part time job but still work a full time job?

Can you still collect unemployment and work part time in Arkansas?


Can a person collect unemployment benefits in New Jersey while doing part time work as a coach?

Yes, you can collect unemployment benefits while doing part time work. See "Reporting Part Time Wages" in the Related Link below for more details.

If you collect 118.00 dollars in unemployment how much can you make at a part time job?

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Can you get supplemental disability insurance when recovering from surgery?

Are you asking about SSDI? The answer is most likely not. It is very hard to qualify for SSDI to begin with and where you will be going back to work in a short period of time after your recovery it is very unlikely.

Can a person work part time in new york if on ssdi permanently please tell you the law?

Yes it is possible to draw disability and work part time; however there are certain restrictions you need to be aware of. This site may be able to answer some of your questions,

Can you still collect unemployment if you work?

YES you can.If you pose as a immagrant who has a part time job then yes.

Can you collect unemployment if you are part time in Wisconsin?

Answer:Sometimes with a family, people are forced into part time work and are unable to make ends meet. Most states allow you to collect unemployment if working part time, under certain circumstances. Some may have you collect on a former employer if you are still in the benefit year and you had claimed unemployment before your present job. Much depends on the state you work in and their criteria. Contact your state unemployment office for clarification.

Am I more likely to find part time jobs in this economy than full time?

No. The migration has actually been from permanent hire to temp rather than full-time to part-time. It's more overhead for companies to hire lots of part-time workers.