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The Fuel Rods are primarily found inside the Reactor Core itself, It is mainly Uranium or Thorium which provides a nuclear reaction that produces intense amount of heat in whih where water is converted in to steam and made to turn the turbines.

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Q: In nuclear power plants where are fuel rods found and what function do they perform?
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Where are power plants found?

If you mean nuclear plants in the US, see NRC website

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Yes, Nuclear membranes are found in all plant and animal cells (and all eukaryotic cells in general).

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Yes, it is found in both plant and animal cells.

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Here is a list of some of the nuclear plants in the world: and locations of all U.S. reactors can be found here:

Where can plutonium be found today?

The tiniest amounts of plutonium (Pu) can be found in uranium that we remove from the ground. But most plutonium today is found at nuclear weapons plants or wherever nuclear weapons are kept. There is also some in nuclear fuel facilities. Certainly it is present in spent nuclear fuel.

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