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Q: In order for an ecosystem to be balanced the number of producers must be?
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What are producers in a marine ecosystem?

Phytoplankton (microalgae), seaweeds (macroalgae) and chemoautotrophic bacteria in order of declining importance.

What is the Level of nourishment in a food chain?

The food pyramid begins with producers (plants) on the first level, it then goes to primary consumers (eat producers) on the second level, the third level is made up of secondary consumers and so on. All of these levels come together to make the food pyramid. There must be the most producers and the least top order consumers in order to maintain a balanced ecosystem.

What is a first order heterotroph?

The first order heterotrophs are animals who feed on plants as their primary source of food. The whole cycle plays an important role in maintaining a balanced ecosystem.

How do ecosystems make a community?

In order to make an ecosystem, you would need to bring different organism together with specific niches. The main components of an ecosystem will be producers and consumers.

Why are carnivores and producers and herbivores needed in order to maintain an ecosystem?

Because all three of those types of organisms need energy

What kind of things does an ecosystem have to have in order to be balanced?

it has to have anythig for an animal to camoflage from danger Also: In very general terms, what an ecosystem typically needs the most to be balanced is an appropriate amount of individuals in the categories of energy producers and consumers. If one were to organize this by amount, it should form a nice pyramid. Living things like plants or algae, for example, would be on the bottom of this pyramid because they usually comprise the greatest portion of an ecosystem. Next up would be whatever thrives off of the plants such as insects and herbivores (plant-eating creatures). Then as you reach the top of the pyramid, there are carnivores and then large carnivores (such as lions or killer whales). What makes this balanced is that there aren't too many of one kind. If a lot of plants die, for example, then there isn't enough for grazing animals to eat. If a large number of those die, then there is nothing for large carnivores to eat and they will die. When there are enough animals in an ecosystem to reproduce and kill one another so that populations stay relatively the same, it is balanced. It is when one group breeds out of control, for example, and eats all of the plants so that other species cannot share the resources that unbalance occurs.

What are the levels of organization in ecosystem?

if you mean the feeding levels they are Producers: photosynthetic organisms, such as plant first order consumers: herbivores and animals that eat directly from the producers Second level consumers: these eat the first order consumers but can also eat the producers. this goes on to ussually no more than 5 levels as the energy transphere drops at each level and any more than a fith order consumer would not be able to consume enough tissue to survive.

Why are there different types of organisms in different ecosystem?

There are a number of different types of species of organisms in an ecosystem in order for it to be functional and stable. Different organisms add species diversity which increases the stability of the ecosystem. Eg. the ecosystem such as a forest can quickly regenerate after a natural disturbance such as a fire.

The study of how everything in an ecosystem interacts in order to survive is called?


What is the order of organization from the smallest to the largest in an ecosystem?


How do the roles of consumers affect the ecosystem?

Actually, consumers are organisms (including us humans) that get their energy from producers, regarding the flow of energy through an ecosystem. For example, producers, (such as plants), make their own food by the process of photosynthesis. If we were to say, an organism at e this plant, than it would be a primary consumer. The animal that eats thisanimal is known as the second order consumer. And so on and so forth. Scientifically, all consumers are either herbivores, carnivores, omnivores or detrivores (decomposers and other organism that break down organic matter).These 'orders' are known as trophic levels....It is useful to remember that all consumers and producers belong in food chains...consumers are the one that depend on producers to survive. then, the energy is now transfered to the consumers.

Producers conduct market research in order to be able to better what?

Producers conduct a market research in order to find out what customers want. This way they can provide better services and products.