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Q: In order for mitosis to occur eukaryotic chromosomes need to be .?
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Do eukaryotic cells undergo mitosis?

Your cells die frequently. In order to replenish this loss, cells must replicate themselves.

Why does mitosis have to have microtubules in order to occur?

Mitosis require microtubules because they bind to the chromosomes and pull them to each pole of the cell. The cell can then divide with the respective chromosomes on separate halves of the cell.

Must spores occur in mitosis?

yes , it is essential for mitosis to occur in an amoeba in order for the cells to reproduce

Describe in order the steps that occur during mitosis.?

1) Chromosomes Form 2) Chromosomes Line Up 3) Chromosomes Separate 4)Nuclei Form ^ANSWER^ Is Correct ☻☺♥♦♣♠•◘○

Why are chromosome copied before mitosis?

After Mitosis, the result is 2 new, identical, daughter cells. In order for each to be identical, the chromosomes must be copied.

How many chromosones are visible at the beginning of mitosis?

These answers are, well, misguided. The number of chromosomes visible at the beginning of mitosis is whatever the full complement of chromosomes is for that organism. In humans, it would be 46. As mitosis proceeds, these are replicated to 92, but at the very beginning of mitosis you would still have the diploid number.

What represents the phases of mitosis in the order they occur?

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

How are growth differentiation and morphogenesis related to each other?

They all rely on mitosis in order to occur.

Why must a cell chromosome duplicate before mitosis occurs?

Because the daughter cells have to have the same number of chromosomes you began with. When the cells go through mitosis the get split. If you split a cell with 46 chromosomes into two, you would only have 23 each. That's why it needs to replicate beforehand. It will make sure the cells always have 46 chromosomes.

If a cell has 13 chromosomes before mitosis how many chromosomes will the new cell have after mitosis?

13. it makes an exact replica of itself, so just multiply the number by 2, which makes 26. After you make an exact replica of the 13 chromosomes (which is now 26, since you've multiplied it), the cell has to split in two in order to create 2 daughter cells, which is the main reason for mitosis. 26 / 2 = 13, 13 chromosomes each for two daughter cells.

What is a list of the four phase of mitosis in order?

Phase 1- Mitosis begins. Chromosomes condense from long strands into rodlike structures. Phase 2- The nuclear membrane is dissolved. Paired chromatids align at the cell's equator. Phase 3- The paired chromatids separate and move to opposite sides of the cell. Phase 4- A nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes, and the chromosomes decondense. Mitosis is complete.

What happens to DNA before cell division in mitosis?

No, transcription is the process of creating an mRNA copy of the DNA in order to create a function process (by translation at the ribosomes). However, DNA does replicate before mitosis occurs - this is so that each daughter cell at the end of mitosis ends up with the same number of chromosomes as the original cell.