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Q: In overlord 2 how do you stand up the siege tower?
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How accurate is a siege tower?

A siege tower is a tower on a wheeled platform to allow the attackers to climb up it and over the castle walls. Accurate doesn't come into it.

How did soldiers within the siege tower get from the tower to the top of the castle wall?

The tower was built with platforms often about 10 feet apart. These were connected by ladders so the attacking soldiers could climb up inside the siege tower right to the top and jump onto the castle walls.

How was siege tower used?

It was pushed up to the castle walls and soldiers climbed over it into the castle.

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Its heavy weight

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They do not charge to stand underneath it but they do to go up it.

When was the siege tower used?

From about 300 B.C until about the end of the medieval era when cannons became so effective that siege towers were obsolete. If you're asking the question "In what situation was the siege tower used" then the answer is when the walls were too thick to shoot down with heavy artillery or when the army's budget was so low that thy couldn't afford cannon.

How much weight does a tv tower stand typically hold?

Right now I currently have about 80 pounds on my tv tower stand, and it seems to be holding up just fine. I have the tv stand with wheels attached so it's very easy to move when I rearrange my furniture.

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no, they don't

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Why would the baron's soldiers set up a siege camp ?

Did the roman army use siege towers?

Yes the Romans Used Siege towers. They were tall towers that were pushed upon a wall of fortification the Romans would climb up the ladders inside of it, stand on the platform that was on top then the soldiers would throws javelins and maybe arrows!!!

What does it take to become the supreme overlord of the universe?

just a little bit of get up and go!