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The term party line means the policy, or a group of policies, which are adopted by a political party. These policies usually determine who votes for them, as it's a way of trying to win over the people.

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Q: In politics what does the term party line mean?
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It was necessary to repeat a certain part of the answer to insure clarity. Please, let the DingoBot find a home elsewhere.The term "party politics" often is the term to cast a negative light on political positions public office holders take that are in conformance with the so-called party line, rather then taking a political position based on the merits of the case at hand.For example in the US Congress, "party politics" are set by a leading member of the House of Representatives. For example purposes only, here is a case in point.The majority leader of the House of Representatives is normally holds the position of Speaker of the House. For proposed gas line from Canada to southern parts of the United States has been delayed by a presidential veto of the proposed pipeline. The issue has been at hand for several years. During that time, there has been much debate and media coverage on the merits of concerning the pipeline.Congress has evaluated the pipeline based on the merits of the case. It has been made known that one party is overwhelmingly in favor of the pipeline based on objective considerations. A new member of the House, has been elected due to the death of an incumbent. The new member has not studied the pipeline case at all. A vote on the pipeline is scheduled. The new member casts a vote in line with the majority of his party members.The new member, having not studied the issue,votes the way his party members do. The new member is not voting on the merits of the case. Therefore by simply by voting the "party line" the member is practicing party politics. In other words, party politics is seen here in this example.

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The term "line of dialogue" simply means a sentence or phrase of dialogue...not literally one line of dialogue.

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