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Yes. It has unlimited number of uses I still have mine from when they were first created.

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Q: In runescape can a cornucopia be used more than once?
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How do you fill a cornucopia in runescape?

Simply use cooked food with it, you can't add more than 12 hp worth of food to it.

Can you do runescape quests more than once?

yes, if you make another account

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Can you catch Giratina more than once on Pokemon diamond?

Play Runescape and get duhhh easy question.

Can you use the ring of life more than once on runescape?

No, after the initial teleport save, it will vanish from your inventory.

How can you use cornucopia in a sentence?

Inside the newly built mall was a cornucopia of childhood pleasures that attracted children more than any other shop in the mall did.

How many RuneScape questions are on WikiAnswers?

There are more than 500 FAQ about Runescape on WikiAnswers.

Do more people play runescape or Warcraft?

A lot more people play World of Warcraft than Runescape. It is a more populated website.

Is Club Penguin better than Runesape?

many people like Club Penguin better than Runescape and no people like Runescape more than Club Penguin.

How many cooking urns can you have in your bank in runescape?

As many as you like (the limit for any item is about 2 billion). Once you start using it, you can't have more than 10 of those.

Is RuneScape better than frugooscape?

Yes it is beter because Jages was 1st who relise that type of game.. And RuneScape has much more cooler quests and it is much more intresting then this one.. Also runescape have Fullscreen mode.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- first of all runescape is the original and is better because of the graphics and it's got more options of what do drawing u in longer than frugooscape

How do you beat zezima on runescape?

Simple, get more exp than him/her/it in skills.