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When spreading molten material rises from the mantle in the sea-floor and erupts, it can create sea mounts, which are underwater mountains. If enough material is ejected, the mounts will break through the surface of the water to create islands.

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Q: In seafloor spreading molten material rises from the mantle and erupts?
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In sea-floor spreading molten material rises from the mantle and erupts .?

When spreading molten material rises from the mantle in the sea-floor and erupts, it can create sea mounts, which are underwater mountains. If enough material is ejected, the mounts will break through the surface of the water to create islands.

What is the process that makes old oceanic crust go into the mantle?

makes up the bottom of the world's oceans is Magma from the underlying mantle erupts at the edges, then cools and solidifies to form new ocean crust.plate a process called seafloor spreading and back into the.

What layer produces the magma that cause seafloor spreading and volcanoes?

the upper mantle

What kinds of ocean currents might cause seafloor spreading?

Ocean currents have no effect whatsoever. Seafloor spreading is caused by convection currents in the rock of the earth's mantle.

When solid mantle rock rises during seafloor spreading magma is produced as a result of decompression melting?


In which earth layer are most convection currents that cause seafloor spreading thought to be located?

The Asthenosphere, a.k.a. the Plastic Mantle.

Where does molten material that rises from the mantle erupt?

it erupts from the mantle witch is part of the structure of the earth.

Seafloor spreading is caused by what?

Convection currents within earth's mantle are responsible for both continental drift and sea floor spreading. The heat driving these currents comes largely from the decay of long lived isotopes trapped in earth's core and mantle.

How does seafloor spreading results in new oceanic crust?

As the seafloor spreads apart, magma from the mantle inside the earth bubbles up to the ocean and hardens in the cool temperatures, producing new oceanic crust

Is the following sentence true or false when solid mantle rock rises during seafloor spreading magma is produced as a result of decompression melting?


What type of plate boundary do plates move apart resulting in the upwelling of material from the mantle to create new seafloor?

Big Boundaries

How do the differences in density and temperature provide some of the force needed to cause seafloor spreading and subduction?

Temperature differences in the mantle cause convection currents. These currents cause molten rock to erupt through the valley that runs along the center of the midocean ridge. As more material erupts, the sea floor spreads, cools, and becomes denser. The denser material sinks back into the mantle when it reaches a trench.