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No, it only raises the price level. Output cannot adjust quick enough in the "short run". That's why it's called the short run.

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Q: In short run does demand pull raise both the price level and the real output?
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Demand-pull inflation: prices rise due to shortage; firms produce more and raise price to meet demand. Cost-push inflation: prices rise due to increasing costs of production; firms raise price in order to not produce less.

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The rise in the price of a product is going to cause: 1. consumer demand of product to decrease 2. producers supply decreases 3. equilibrium price is uncertain because both demand and supply are shifting However if demand grows relatively more than supply, price will rise, but if supply grows relatively more than demand, price will fall.

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OPEC uses supply and demand to determine prices. If they want to raise the price, they slow down production. The lower supply will equal higher prices.

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In order for a company to raise capital they open themselves up to public investment in the stock market. Through the process of buying and selling, the price of the company's shares is determined according to the level of supply and demand.

How does the market determine the price and the quantity supplied in demand?

it depends upon the demand of the people.... if demand of a particular commodity increases then the supply will automatically increase and in case of shortage, the suppliers would raise the prices of that specific good.

Explain the effect on the equilibrium price and quantity if increase in the price in product?

If the price increases it means there is not a lot of product avaible. This is seen when a company can not keep up with demand the tend to raise prices so that demand goes down. This is also seen in with the opposite effects, if a company has too much of a product then they lower prices to increase demand