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Q: In terms of nuclear charge and number of principal energy levels?
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Why does the atomic size decrease as you go from bottom to top?

The nuclear charge increases and electrons are added to successively higher principal energy levels.

How are principle energy levels and energy sub levels related?

Principal energy levels are an atom's major energy levels, ranging in value from 1 to 7. Energy sublevels are contained within principal energy levels, and their number increases as the value of the principal energy level increases.

Why does Fr have the largest atomic radius?

Many energy levels of electrons and low effective nuclear charge/low Coulombic force.

What is the term used to label the energy level of electron?

Principal quantum numbers (n).

How many principal energy levels are there in period 1?

only 1

Each period in the periodic table corresponds to .?

Each period corresponds to the number of shells (energy levels) contained in the atom.

Each period in the periodic table corresponds to what?

Each period in the periodic table corresponds to a principal energy level.

Is electrons the only thing arranged in various energy levels or orbitals or are protons arranged the same way?

There are nuclear energy levels, but they're not "the same" as the electronic energy levels.

What is the orbital diagram for the third and fourth principal energy levels of vanadium?

The answer is B

Which metal atoms can form ionic bonds by losing electrons from both the outermost and next to outermost principal energy levels?

Transition elements can form bonds by losing electrons from both the outermost and next to the outermost principal energy levels.

Which principal energy level has a maximum of three sub levels?

p px py pz

What happens as periods increase on the periodic table?

the principal energy levels of valence electrons increase.