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p px py pz

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Q: Which principal energy level has a maximum of three sub levels?
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What is the maximum number of dorbitals in a principal energy level?

1s orbital 3P, 5d, and 7f in discovered elements

What is the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in the principal energy level n4?

The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in the principal energy level n = 4 is 32.

How are principle energy levels and energy sub levels related?

Principal energy levels are an atom's major energy levels, ranging in value from 1 to 7. Energy sublevels are contained within principal energy levels, and their number increases as the value of the principal energy level increases.

What is the maximum number of protons in the second principal energy level?

8 electrons maximum

Each period in the periodic table corresponds to .?

Each period corresponds to the number of shells (energy levels) contained in the atom.

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What is the term used to label the energy level of electron?

Principal quantum numbers (n).

Which energy levels holds more than 8 electrons?

Energy levels from 3 and above can have more than 8 electrons maximum. Maximum of 2n2 electrons is possible where n is the energy level.

What is the maximum number of d electrons that can exist in any one principal energy level?


What is the maximum number of p electrons that can exist in any one principal energy level?


What is the maximum number of electrons possible in the seventh principal energy level is?

The maximal number is 98.

How many valence electrons are on the first 3 energy levels?

The first energy level has a maximum of two valence electrons. The second and third energy levels have a maximum of 8 valence electrons.