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Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System.

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Q: In terms of planet size how does Jupiter rate?
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It is the smallest.

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Uranus is the 3rd to largest planet.

How does Jupiter rate among the planets in terms of size?

Jupiter is the largest of the 8 major planets, and the largest body in the solar system except for the Sun itself.

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Is Jupiter the highest planet?

Jupiter ranks highest of the eight planets in terms of mass and size. It's height in the sky will vary though throughout the night as the earth rotates.

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Which planet is closer to the sun in size?

In terms of size, Jupiter is the closest in size to the sun. Jupiter has a diameter of 142,984 km, which is about 1/10th that of the sun (which has a mean diameter of about 1.392 million km). The Earth, on the other hand, has a diameter of 12,756km; this makes it about 1/11th that of Jupiter and 1/110th that of the sun.

What is the size of a gas planet?

The size depends on the planet! For example, Jupiter is 86,881 mi (139,822 km) in diameter.

What on Jupiter?

The Red Spot. A massive Hurricane the size of our planet.

What is The Size of the largest planet?

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is 142,984 km in diameter.

Which planet has the largest in mass and size?

Jupiter is the largest planet in out solar system and the most massive.