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Q: In the 1600s Virginia attracted many colonists because of?
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In the 1600s was their gold?

YES!!!!! There was gold indeed because during the 1600s Jamestown, Virginia was abundant with gold.

Why go to Virginia in the 1600s?

Because many people thought that they would be able to make a profit out of tobacco-Hans Son (7th grade student studying Virginia in the 1600s)-

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What did they eat in Virginia in the 1600s?

Fruit and vegtables

Why would someone leave England in the 1600s?

During the 1600s, the promise of wealth, fertile land, and plentiful food attracted settlers to an area of Virginia known as the Jamestown Colony (the first permanent settlement in the U.S.) As the colony developed, even more English colonists sailed to Jamestown. The influx of settlers became especially high once the headright system had been established, promising 50 acres of land per settler. Other motives for leaving included England included poverty and issues with the government.

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The English (Britain)

How did rivers along the East Coast help colonists in the 1600s?

gave them food

What was the population of Delaware from the 1600s to the late 1700s?

About 5000-7500 colonists were in Delaware at the time

When did the colonists from Europe start settlements in the Caribbean region?

hi I am happy they settled it in the 1600s

How did virginia make money in the 1600s?

Selling fruits, vegetables and tobacco