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speculation on the Dutch tulip market

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Q: In the 16th century Martin de Azpilcueta theorized that the inflation in Europe at the time was caused by?
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Which statement reflects historians' current assessment of the cause of 16th century inflation in Europe?

Contemporary historians generally agree that the high inflation experienced in Europe in the 16th century was primarily due to a massive influx of silver and gold. The silver and gold came largely from Mexico and Bolivia.

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Why was there such severe inflation in Europe during the 16th century?

Exploration,colonization, and exploitation of the New World (which turned out to be much larger in size than anybody initially realized) meant that there was a massive influx of precious metals - gold and silver - into Europe. In an age before paper money, precious metals were used for coinage, the currency of the day.Much of the gold and silver that arrived from the New World was minted into coins, which meant there was much more cash in circulation, the amount increasing as the century progressed. The steady and large increase in coinage as the century went on led to inflation, which was more severe because it was ongoing throughout the century for the reasons mentioned above.

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The True Answer is - The Nineteenth Century