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Q: In the 1896 presidential election the Democratic Party nominated William Jennings Bryan as their candidate Bryan was also supported by which other political party?
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Whom did each party nominate in the presidential election of 1856?

The Democratic Party nominated the Minister to Great Britain, James Buchanan of Pennsylvania.The Republican Party nominated former U.S. Senator from California John C. Frémont.The American Party (a.k.a. the Know Nothing Party) nominated former President Millard Fillmore of New York.

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Buchanan was last national candidate nominated by his Democratic party. Before the next election they split over slavery and nominated two candidates. The modern Democratic party formed after the Civil War.

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What political party nominated justice Stephen Breyer?

Bill Clinton, a Democratic President, nominated Justice Breyer in 1994. US Supreme Court justices are nominated by Presidents, not by political parties (although the President belongs to a political party).

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People vote for a presidential candidate during a presidential election, which happens every four years. Registered voters are allowed to vote in elections.

What major US political party adopted ideas of the populist movement?

The Democrats were most like the Populists, largely due to the influence of William Jennings Bryan. They nominated Bryan in 1896 when he was also nominated as the Democratic candidate.

What political body is the vice-president the leader of?

The president and vice-president belong to the same party- they are nominated and elected as a team. Nowadays, the presidential candidate often chooses the vice-presidential candidate and he or she may not be a national party leader. Of course running for VP can increase ones standing in the party.

Which of the following statements best reflects how political beliefs as a whole differ by region?

No Democratic presidential candidate has won a majority of the white southern vote since 1964.

What were the major political parties in the election of 1856 and who was the cadidate for each party?

Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan won the 1856 presidential election defeating Republican Party candidate John Fremont and American Party candidate Millard Fillmore.