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There are no sharps in the key signature, but in the harmonic minor there is a G#.

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Q: In the A minor scale what are the sharps?
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Related questions

How many sharps are in an F minor scale?

There are no sharps in F minor.

What major key has the same number of flats and sharps as a minor?

C major and A minor both have no sharps or flats.

What scale has no sharps or flats?

C major scale and A minor.

What major key has the number of sharps and flat as the key A minor?

C Major, zero flats and zero sharps. The minor scale with the same number of flats and sharps is A Minor.

What major key has the same number of sharps as flats as the key of a minor?

C Major, zero flats and zero sharps. The minor scale with the same number of flats and sharps is A Minor.

What are the blaack keys on the piano called?

sharps and minors sharps and FLATS. minor is a kind of scale.

What scale has 7 sharps?

C♯ major and A♯ minor both have seven sharps.

What are the sharps and flats of minor scale?

Really easy just google it

What sharps or flats are in A minor?

There are no flats or sharps. Its relative major scale is C major, which has all of the same notes.

What is e sharp minor scale?

an f minor scale written with sharps instead of flats, that uses e sharp as the tonic.

How many sharps are in a d minor scale?

There aren't any sharps in c minor - there are three flats, b flat, e flat and a flat.

Same number of sharps and flats as the key of A minor?

C Major, zero flats and zero sharps. The minor scale with the same number of flats and sharps is A Minor.