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Q: In the Rome republic everyone could participate in government to some degree true or false?
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What does mgr stand for?

Polish abbreviation of "Magister" - an academic degree equal to Master's degree, used in many Central European countries (including Poland, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic).

What was romes influence on the government and democracy?

Rome's influence is minimal. The Romans system of government was different than the modern ones, stemming from an ancient society which was totally different than ours, and unsuited for modern societies. The period of the Roman Republic had a degree of democracy. The popular assemblies elected the officers of state and voted on bills. However, despite this, Rome was an oligarchy, where the aristocracy and the wealthy elites wielded power. Moreover, the system of direct democracy, where the people voted on bills themselves, of both the Greeks and the Romans was rejected in favour of representative democracy, where bills are voted by elected representatives, such as congressmen, MPs or senators. The officers of state, unlike in the Roman Republic, are not elected. They are appointed by the government. The Roman Republic was a source of inspiration for the independent city-states of Italy in the Middle Ages, whose systems of governance was modelled on that of this republic.

The most useful of the degree of democracy reached by a particular society is whether it has a?

The most useful of the degree of democracy reached by a particular society is whether it has a civilian government. Other forms of government can happen in non-democratic platforms.

Which of these rights did the government decide to ignore to some degree after the attacks of September 11?

privacy rights

Did the Jews join with the Young Turks?

Jews by and large did not participate in the Young Turks, which disbanded in 1924 after gaining power and creating the Turkish Republic. In fact, the Jews of Turkey prior to the creation of the Turkish Republic were primarily Ottomanists, the political who pressed for a continuation of the Ottoman Empire with the introduction of increasing Tanzimat reforms as opposed to the Young Turks who sought the overthrow of the government. The reason for this stance was that the newly independent Greek and Bulgarian countries were more Anti-Semitic than the Ottoman Empire had been and they feared that the Young Turks would lead to an increase in Anti-Semitism as well. To a degree, they were right and most Jews left Turkey in 1949. However, there were some Turkish Jews like Emmanuel Carasso who were prominent Young Turks.

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Depending on how strictly you define "Federal Republic"--yes. Strictly speaking, the United States is a constitutional republic (not a democracy as is often said). Generally speaking, a federal republic is a system in which the central government is above state/local governments, but state/local governments maintain a degree of power in their own domains. In this way, the U.S. government closely approximates a federal republic.

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The Distance Masters is a nice way to receive your masters degree. Anyone that is determined to receive a master degree can participate. But, one must be able to afford the service.

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