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ADH stands for anti-diuretic hormone, suggesting that it's a hormone that stops diuresis (urination). Therefore, in the absence of a hormone that stops urination, less concentrated urine is formed at a greater amount.How much urine can you loose in one day (Quantity in cc's)?

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Q: In the absence of ADH what type of urine is formed?
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Related questions

What happen to urine volume if you did not add ADH to the collecting duct?

I think the urine volume will significantly increase. The less water reabsorbed, the more urine will be formed.

What hormone signals the kidney to make less urine?

That hormone is called ADH or antidiuretic hormone. Diuresis means producing urine and antiduresis is the opposite.

What was the volume of the urine in the presence of ADH?


Does ADH increase water absorption?

ADH is what signals the body to retain urine. The reason urine is produced heavily when you drink alcohol the ADH is blocked so you have to urinate more often. Well if ADH is present the urine that pass will be more concentrated because resorption of water takes place at distal convoluted tubule of nephron and collecting duct in the kidney. But that happens only if ADH is present.

What happen when ADH increases?

decrease urine output

What controls the volume of urine?

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

When the concentration of ADH increases?

less urine is produced

What factor limits maximum urine concentration?


How does the addition of ADH affect the concentration of potassium in the urine?

Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) causes water to be absorbed from the urine back into the body. Everything else in the urine, including electrolytes such as potassium, is concentrated.

What hormones increases blood pressure by reducing urine output?

ADH (Antidiuretic hormone). ADH is secreted in the pituitary gland and it works by increasing the amount of water reabsorbed in the kidney and hence, less urine is produced.

How does ADH affect the concentration of potassium in urine?

Affects the concentration of potassium in the urine by controlling the amount of water in the urine.

What is the roleof ADH in thebody's waterbalance?

ADH causes the body (kidney) to conserve water and produce more concentrated urine