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Q: In the book Among the Hidden are there any circumstances where limiting the number of people born might be necessary Explain?
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nopee.. and the conditions are that the organism has to be buried quickly, hidden from scavengers. and another condition is if they have hard parts they are preserved better.

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Hmm... symbolically, it could mean various things. Depending on the circumstances. 1. Broken sword could mean a rough victory -- that was hidden Or, considering the sword may be from the enemy it could mean you will find victory, with your enemy unable to use his weapon (tactic) against you, etc. It all depends on the circumstances and what calls out to you the most.

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Did Troy ever exist explain why.?

Yes, Sciencetist descover fossils of people who did fight there. They also state that arrows have been hidden under rocks for years.

Can a sheriff search your vehicle without permission or does it go against 4Th amendment right?

This is most properly answered by a local attorney. However, generally speaking, a motor vehicle has a lower expectation of privacy than a home. It is also movable and can be hidden easily or destroyed. This lends itself to application of 'exigent circumstances' exceptions to the requirement for a search warrant. That means that because a car can be removed from the area or hidden it may be necessary to search it immediately to prevent the loss of evidence. If the driver or an occupant is arrested, it may also be subject to a 'search incident to arrest.'

What was the children's book where they lived in a society where they could only have 2 kids but the protagonist's family had 3 and the extra kid had to be kept hidden?

The book you are referring to is "Among the Hidden" by Margaret Peterson Haddix. In the story, third children are illegal due to a government law limiting families to two kids. Luke, the protagonist, is a third child who must live in hiding to avoid being discovered and arrested by the Population Police.

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the obviously hidden truth is that you still love the person. what usually causes the (misplaced) hatred is a circumstance, or set of circumstances. talk it over

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