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dehydration synthesis

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Q: In the digestive process the macromolecules are broken down into small molecules that can cross cell membranes This process is called?
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Related questions

What are the functions of the macromolecules after they are broken down in the digestive process?

it provides energy

What process usually polymerizes molecules into macromolecules?

Dehydration synthesis

What is the name of the process that occurs when small molecules are joined to form macromolecules?

Dehydration reactions

What are macromolescules?

Macromolecules are giant molecules that are formed when thousands of smaller units of identical molecules are joined together. This process of joining together smaller identical units into a large macromolecules (polymer) is called polymerisation.

What is the overall function of the digestive tract?

The digestive tract basically breaks down the macromolecules into monomers to be absorbed into the body. Various enzymes are involved in the process of digestion. Digestive tract in humans starts from the mouth and ends at anus.

Why does a cell need to break down polymers into monomers?

Because macromolecules are large molecules and are insoluble. It is easier to store them and use them when they have been hydrolysed to smaller molecules and are made soluble.

What is the definition of absorption in the digestive tract?

The definition of absorption in the digestive tract is is the process by which nutrient molecules pass through the wall of your digestive system onto your blood

What is the process when nutrient molecules pass through the wall of digestive system into your blood?


What system is responsible for the process of reducing food to small molecules in order for it to be absorbed?


What is required to transport glucose molecules across the cell membranes of the intestine?

To start the process ATP is required to transport glucose milecules across the cell membranes of the intestine.

The main function of the human digestive system is to-?

The primary function of the digestive system is to disassemble food we consume into its component molecules, so it can be used as energy for the body. There are many stages in the process of digestion.

The process by which the digestive system breaks down food into molecules that the body can use is called .?
