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Q: In the event of a possible collision one should try their best to?
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What is the verb for collision?

The verb for collision is collide.Other verbs are collides, colliding and collided.Some example sentences are:"We collide into a heap on the floor"."Still not used to ice skating, she collides with her best friend"."We stopped the car colliding into the fence"."They collided into us".

What is elastic collistion?

Elastic collision deceleration is the transfer of energy from an accelerated body to another one that results in the deceleration of the first body by some degree. An example might be the elastic collision and deceleration of, say, a neutron in a nuclear reactor. When a fission event occurs, a neutron leaving the scene will be moving like a bullet from a gun. As the neutron doesn't have a charge, it cannot slow by anything other than elastic scattering, a collision with something. It needs to transfer some energy into whatever it hits to slow down. If it slams into the nucleus of, say, an iron atom, that's not so good. (Iron is the major component in steel, which the reactor vessel is made out of.) The iron nucleus is over 50 times as massive, and the neutron can't give it much energy to slow down. That'd be like trying to slow a high speed golf ball down by having it slam into, say, a bowling ball. Not the best thing in the west if we want to slow the golf ball down. (We do need to slow the neutron down in the reactor, by the way.) So what can we use to slow down a neutron? Let's see. We need something near its own size. How about a proton? Like the protons in hydrogen nuclei in water molecules? Oooo, snap! We use water as the heat transfer medium in our reactor and it does double duty as the moderator, or "slower-downer" of neutrons. An elastic scattering deceleration event occurs when a neutron slams into a proton. The proton is knocked across the room and the neutron comes away with less energy. The neutron is said to have decelerated in an elastic scattering event. The slowing neutron is moving to a lower energy state. Toward a state of thermal energy. It is being thermalized. It's slowing down in a thermonuclear reactor. As Paul Harvey would say, and now you know the rest of the story....

Why is a best fit line used?

The line of best fit is the best possible answer you can get from raw data. They also can be used to make predictions.

Why in a collision momentum is not always conserved?

In principle momentum is always conserved. However what sometimes happens in a collision is that energy is released that is then no longer considered part of the system. For example if two cars collide energy could be dissipated via the air and ground (e.g. heat) and this can also carry away momentum. Often, these effects are not taken into account and in that way momentum conservation appears to be violated; but if one takes care and takes into account all collision products the total momentum after is equal to the total momentum prior. So in short, any violation can be traced back to a redefinition of the system.

Which sea would a ship float best in?

A sea comprised of liquid, with the greatest possible density.

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Not sure about the "best" definition. It is the set of all possible outcomes for the event.

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In the event of an intrusion, the best thing to do is to stay calm and if possible alert the security agencies to help you out of the situation.

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It is the set of all possible outcomes.

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Best in Show Collision Repair and Maaco Auto Body Shop and Collision Repair have the highest ranks in collision repair. If either are in your area, you may want to check them out.

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Set of all possible outcomes.

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Collision-Risk Factors

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Just try your best to stay out of its event horizon and you'll be fine.

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It is the space consisting of all possible outcomes of the experiment.

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In order to get the best refund, people should file their tax returns as early as possible.