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Q: In the female body each egg is surrounded by a?
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What does chicken egg mean?

A chicken egg is a round or oval body laid by the female chicken, which consists of an ovum surrounded by layers of membranes and an outer casing, which acts to nourish and protect a developing embryo and its nutrient reserves.

How do the sperms from the male body travels and fuses with the egg of the female body?

The male and female will have to get married.

Where does an egg cell work in the body?

in the female's ovary

What is a haploid female sex cell?

It is an egg in her body

When a mature egg is removed from the female body for fertilization outside of the body?

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What is the egg cell in a female's body?

The egg cell, also called the haploid cell, is the female gamete. A pair of gametes, egg and sperm, are what are needed in order for reproduction to occur.

Does the egg develop inside or outside the female's body?


Which cell from human body can be seen esily?

The female egg.

How is a sperm cell from a male able to fertilize an egg that in inside the body of an female?

It is because of the nutrients that comes from each other. They been able to fertilize because of the hormones of each other.

Why are ovarie importance?

They are important because they are the one who is responsible for ripening of the egg,for the development of female characteristics of a female body,and for supporting early pregnancy.

What is unfertilized egg in a menstrual cycle?

An unfertilized egg is an egg that has not met with sperm to create a zygote. If an egg is not fertilised then it is reabsorbed into the body and a female then goes on to menstruate.

What is the Second largest cell in the human body?

The second largest cell in the human body is found in the female reproductive system. It is the female egg cell.