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When spores are released from the underside of the fern frond, they fall to the ground where they germinate, growing into

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Q: In the fern life cycle a spore germinates to form an?
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The ascomycetes get their name from which aspect of their life cycle a vegetative growth form b asexual spore production c sexual structures d shape of the spore e type of vegetative myceliu?

C. Sexual Structures

How do spores structurally different from seeds?

1. Spores are single celled and seeds are multicelled 2. A spore germinates to form a gametophyte, whereas a seed germinates to form a sporophyte 3. Spores can hardly survive for longer period during adverse conitions, but seeds can do 4. Spores are produced in the sporangium; seeds are produced inside the fruit

What is a gametophyte and sporophyte?

gametophyte: The gamete-bearing individual or phase in the life cycle of a plant having alternation of generations sporophyte: The spore-producing individual or phase in the life cycle of a plant having alternation of generations

What is sporophy?

Sporophyte is the diploid (2n) stage of the plant life cycle. It is the multicellular spore-producing organism that develops from the zygote of a fertilized egg. The sporophyte is typically the primary photosynthetic form of the plant and is responsible for the production of spores. It is the stage of the plant that produces the spore-bearing structures such as the antheridia and archegonia which in turn produce the haploid gametes that are necessary for sexual reproduction.The sporophyte stage of the plant life cycle includes the following main components:Cellular growth and developmentProduction of haploid gametesSpore formationGrowth and maturation of sporophyte structuresThe sporophyte stage of the plant life cycle typically dominates the life cycle of most plants and is responsible for the growth and development of the plant. It is the main photosynthetic form of the plant and is responsible for producing the haploid gametes that are necessary for sexual reproduction.

How imperfect fungi reproduce?

imperfect fungi reproduce asexually by spore formation.

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When a spore germinates the single row of cells that first appears will branch and form a what?


Explain the stage in the life cycle of fern?

A spore grows into a heart shaped gametophyte. The gametophytes produces sex cells that unite to form a zygote. The zygote grows into a spore producing sporophyte.

Is germinates an adjective?

No. Germinates is a form of the verb. The form "germinated" may be used as an adjective describing seeds or spores.

The ascomycetes get their name from which aspect of their life cycle a vegetative growth form b asexual spore production c sexual structures d shape of the spore e type of vegetative myceliu?

C. Sexual Structures

What is the plural possessive of fern?

The plural form of the noun fern is ferns.The plural possessive form is ferns'.example: Those ferns' lacy leaves add softness to the garden.

How do spores structurally different from seeds?

1. Spores are single celled and seeds are multicelled 2. A spore germinates to form a gametophyte, whereas a seed germinates to form a sporophyte 3. Spores can hardly survive for longer period during adverse conitions, but seeds can do 4. Spores are produced in the sporangium; seeds are produced inside the fruit

The gametophyte of a fern is?

The gametophyte of a fern is a small, independent plant that produces gametes (eggs and sperm). This stage in the fern life cycle is usually heart-shaped and photosynthetic, and it is typically found on the underside of leaves in damp environments. The gametophyte is responsible for producing the sperm and egg that will fuse to form a new sporophyte plant.

What is a singular for fern?

The possessive form of the singular noun fern is fern's.Examples: I don't know the fern's type but it's thriving in my garden.

Can you identify the organ from which the specimen Dryopteris was prepared?

It is a large genus of ferns which will brilliantly form the foundation of a fern colony or fern bed. Other names for it are Wood fern, the Male fern, and the Buckler fern.

Corynebacterium is a spore forming gram positive cocci?

Actually, Corynebacterium is a genus of bacteria consisting of non-spore forming, gram-positive rods. They are commonly found in the environment and as part of the normal human flora.

What are the brown spots on the back of java fern leaves?

The brown spots on the back of Java fern leaves are likely sporangia, which are structures that produce and release spores for reproduction. They are a natural part of the plant's life cycle and do not necessarily indicate a problem with the plant's health.

How do moss and ferns differ?

Ferns are pteridophytes. Mosses are bryophytes. Mosses have rhizoids, simple root like structures, ferns have rhizomes or underground stems. Both ferns and mosses reproduce via spores, produced from the sporophyte and gametes from the gametophyte. Ferns; however, are sporophyte dominant and mosses are gametophyte dominant. The main, most noticeable form of the moss is the gametophyte, a haploid structure. The less obvious moss sporophyte is simply a stalk called a seta and spore capsule. On the other hand the most noticeable part of the fern is the sporophyte, which may be huge in the case of tree ferns like Dicksonia and Alsophila/Cyathea. The very much less conspicuous part of a fern life cycle is the nondominant gametophyte, which takes the form of a cardoid prothallus and produces gametes (sperm cells and egg cells) in archegonia and antheridia. Spores are produced in the spore capsules of mosses. In ferns, whole clusters of spore capsules called sporangia are found huddled in structures called sori (singular sorus) on the underside of the fern fronds. Mosses do not have true leaves. The leaf like structures are haploid and unicellularly thick. Ferns have multicellular, diploid fronds.