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Q: In the nucleus what tells the cells what to do and how to change?
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DNA and the nucleus is the brain of the cell

Is a nucleus found in plant and animal cells?

Yes. Virtually all cells have a nucleus, especially in organisms that can be seen without a microscope. The nucleus is like the brain of the cell that tells the cell how to operate. The nucleus also contains the genetic material that tells the cell how it should develop and tells how to make new cells.

What carries out the function of individual cells?

The nucleus, being a sort of miniature brain for cells, tells it what to do.

How does the nucleus help the cell obtain nutrients?

it tells the other cells what to do...

Is the nucleus the boss of the cell?

The nucleus is the boss of the cell because it contains the cells DNA. The DNA tells the cell its functions.

What is DNA where in a cell is it found?

DNA is the genetic material in all cells that tells them exactly what to do, and when to do it. It is found in the nucleus of cells. However, if a cell has no nucleus, then it is just floating around in the cytoplasm

What is the job of the keratin?

Keratin is a protein responsible for the hardening process(keratinised) that cells undergo when they change from living cells with a nucleus to dead cells without a nucleus.

Is the nucleus responsible for the cells behavior?

no because when the nucleus is removed from the cell the cell's behavior doesn't change

In many cells the structure that controls the cells activitie is the?


Why do both plant and animal cells have a nucleus?

The nucleus is like the control center of the whole entire cell. It tells other parts of the cell what to do kind of like the brain. All cells have to have one to control it's daily functions.

What type of cells contain a nucleus?

The cells of eukaryotes will contain a nucleus.

What cell has a nucleus that controls all of the cells functions?

Every cell has a nucleus. A necleus is basically a brain. It holds all the information needed to run the cell. The nucleus tells the cell what to do. Weather it is a muscle cell or a plant cell, it has a nucleus. Every cell has a nucleus.