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Q: In the presidential election of 1796 which political party did John Adams represent?
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Who did Adams beat in the election?

During the elections Adams beat Thomas Jefferson.

Jefferson lost the 1796 presidential election to who?

John Adams

Who was the runner up in the 1788 US Presidential election?

John Adams was the runner up in the 1788 United States presidential election.

Who was the losing presidential candidate against John Adams?

Thomas Jefferson in 1796 Presidential election

Who were the 2 candidates in the presidential election of1796?

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Adams won.

Who were the first two candidates in the first openly contested election for president?

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were the candidates in the first contested presidential election.

The last federalist to win a presidential election?

The ONLY two Federalists to win the presidential election were John Adams and of course George Washington.

Lost the Presidential election to Thomas Jefferson?

Charles Pinckney in the 1804 Presidential election when Thomas Jefferson was re elected.

Why was the outcome of the 1796 presidential election controversial?

The outcome of the 1796 presidential election was controversial because it resulted in the first contested election in American history. The Federalist candidate John Adams narrowly defeated the Democratic-Republican candidate Thomas Jefferson, but Adams's vice president was Jefferson's political rival, Thomas Pinckney. This created tension and a sense of political instability, as the president and vice president were from opposing parties.

What was the outcome in 1828 presidential election?

Andrew Jackson won the 1828 presidential election defeating John Quincy Adams. In the 1828 presidential election there was a total of 261 electoral votes thereby requiring a majority of 131 votes to win the presidential election. Andrew Jackson received 178 electoral votes and John Quincy Adams received 83 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Jackson 642,553 and Adams 500,897.

Who tied in the presidential election of 1824?

In the presidential election of 1824, no candidate received a majority of the electoral votes. Instead, the election went to the House of Representatives, where John Quincy Adams ultimately won the presidency.

The candidate who won the 1824 Presidential election was?

John Quincy Adams -tyjo17