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Q: In the story Dorothy must die is the story told in first-person participant first-person observer or third-person omniscient?
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What is an antoynm for observer?

Participant and Player.

What does observer mean?

It means the observer is all knowing. For example, people believe that GOD is an omniscient observer, who sees and knows everything

What are the adavantages of non participant observation?

It removes the possibility of bias in the observer.

What does omniscent observer mean?

An omniscient observer is a hypothetical entity or being that possesses complete knowledge and understanding of all events and information in existence. This concept is often used in philosophy and thought experiments to explore questions of knowledge, perception, and reality.

What is first person participant and second person observer?

First person participant refers to experiencing events or situations directly as they happen, while second person observer involves viewing these events or situations from an external perspective without actively participating in them.

How do you make a sentence with observer?

The Police helicopter had an observer in addition to the Pilot.The spectator was not a participant just an observer.The observer watched the proceedings and witnessed no foul play.

What field of anthropology uses ethnography to record the observations of a participant observer in a study?

Cultural anthropology is the field that typically uses ethnography to record the observations of a participant observer in a study. Ethnography involves detailed study and description of a specific cultural group, often through immersion in the community being studied.

What is a blinded observer?

A blinded observer is a research participant or evaluator who is unaware of certain key information, such as the purpose of the study or the treatment being administered. This helps minimize bias and ensure the results are more objective.

What is talking in thirdperson?

3rd person is used to refer to somebody or something being spoken about. Its like the observer. You are not allowed to use I or we nor you. "He", "She", "It" and "They" is used in 3rd person. He came to the bar on friday. It flew away during the hurricane. They were having fun She looked sad.

Is Tommy's narrative first person participant or first person observer in feels like spring by Milton kaplan?

In "Feels Like Spring" by Milton Kaplan, Tommy's narrative is first person participant, where he is directly involved in the events and experiences he is describing. This means that Tommy is an active participant in the story rather than just observing it from a distance.

What is non participant observation?

Non-participant, or direct, observation is where data are collected by observing behaviour without interacting with the participants. Participant observation is where data are collected by interacting with, and therefore experiencing, the phenomenon being studied.

Which field of anthropology uses ethnography to record the observations of a participant observer in a study?

Cultural anthropology is the field that often uses ethnography to record the observations of a participant observer in a study. Ethnography involves deep immersion in a culture or community to gain an insider's perspective on their practices and beliefs. This method allows anthropologists to better understand the social dynamics and cultural norms of the group being studied.