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is to : Assemble materials that will form the new cell wall.

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Q: In the telophase stage of mitosis microtubules gather along the cells equator The purpose of these microtubules is to?
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What are the steps in mitotic cell division?

Mitosis can be divided into 5 phases: Prophase Prometaphase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis is the division of the two cells after mitosis, so strictly speaking it is not a step of mitosis.

What is the main function of cell division and mitosis?

Mitosis is the process that a cell goes through when it divides into two new cells. The primary purpose of mitosis is growth, as it is through mitosis that an organism goes from a single cell to trillions of cells. In a fully developed, multi cellular organism, mitosis also serves the role of repairing damaged cells. Additionally, there is a third, more specific purpose of mitosis, which is to create cells specifically for reproduction through the process of "meiosis."

What is the purpose of mitosis in single-celled organisms?

The purpose of mitosis is to have a cell division which allows the cell to reproduce. During mitosis the cell is divided into separate organisms.Single celled organisms are no longer single celled if they undergo mitosis. If it is a single celled organism that is supposed to become a multicellular organism, it will undergo mitosis to grow.

What types of cells does mitosis occurs?

Mitosis occurs in somatic cells. The main purpose of mitosis is to create two identical cells from one single cell.

Does the ploidy of a cell change when it divides by mitosis Why or why not?

It does not change. Mitosis results in two identical cells with exactly the same number of chromoses. Mitosis occurs in somatic cells for the purpose of growth of tissues, unlike meiosis which occurs in sex cells prior to fertilisation. while mitosis starts and ends as a 2n cell the part about it not changing is wrong. mitosis starts off as 2n then each chromatid replicates creating a 4n cell in prophase until it reaches telophase it goes back to 2n as the chromatids separate at the poles, and the daughter cells are formed.

Related questions

In the telophase stage of mitosis microtubules gather along the cell's equator The purpose of these microtubules is to?

D. assemble materials that will form the new cell wall.

In the telophase stage of mitosis microtubules gather along the cells equator The purpose?

d. assemble materials that will form the ne cell wall

What is mitosis and what is its purpose?

Mitosis is a process during which the chromosomes are redistributed to two daughter nuclei; nuclear division. The phases in order are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokineses. Its purpose is to split one cell into two cells, the original plus a completely identical daughter cell.

What are the steps in mitotic cell division?

Mitosis can be divided into 5 phases: Prophase Prometaphase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis is the division of the two cells after mitosis, so strictly speaking it is not a step of mitosis.

What is the main function of cell division and mitosis?

Mitosis is the process that a cell goes through when it divides into two new cells. The primary purpose of mitosis is growth, as it is through mitosis that an organism goes from a single cell to trillions of cells. In a fully developed, multi cellular organism, mitosis also serves the role of repairing damaged cells. Additionally, there is a third, more specific purpose of mitosis, which is to create cells specifically for reproduction through the process of "meiosis."

What is the purpose of mitosis in single-celled organisms?

The purpose of mitosis is to have a cell division which allows the cell to reproduce. During mitosis the cell is divided into separate organisms.Single celled organisms are no longer single celled if they undergo mitosis. If it is a single celled organism that is supposed to become a multicellular organism, it will undergo mitosis to grow.

What is the purpose of microtubules in plants?

Microtubules are hollow fibre threads in plant cells which from the cell structure. They are only found in plant cells furthermore they help in the production of chlorophyll and are vital to the survival of a plant.

What is mitosis mainly about?

mitosis has a series of steps and it a part of the cell cycle, but the main purpose is to make new cells

What types of cells does mitosis occurs?

Mitosis occurs in somatic cells. The main purpose of mitosis is to create two identical cells from one single cell.

What purpose do cilia and microtubules serve for some types of epithelia?

To help move things across the surface of the tissue.

Whats the main purupose of mitosis versus meiosis?

The main purpose of mitosis is to produce 2 identical daughter cells while the purpose of meiosis is for a cell to divide and produce 4 gamete cells that are necessary for reproduction.

Why must spindle fibres form in mitosis?

Spindles are used to split a cell during mitosis or meiosis and once the cell is split they no longer serve a purpose.