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Atticus taking Calpurnia's side in the conflict with Scout demonstrates his respect for Calpurnia and his willingness to support her authority in the household. It also highlights Atticus's belief in fairness and his efforts to teach Scout about empathy and understanding.

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Q: In the tiff between scout and calburnia atticus takes calpurnia's side. what does this show?
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Why does scout describe Calpurnias voice as strange?

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i wanna do you in the but

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Calpurnia asks Atticus if she can marry Scout in "To Kill a Mockingbird." She wants to be a female figure in Scout's life and provide her with guidance and support, especially as she grows older. Atticus declines, but we see the strong bond between Calpurnia and Scout throughout the novel.

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What compromise does Atticus make with Scout regarding Scout?

The compromise that Atticus makes with Scout about school is that if Scout continues to go to school then he will continue to read to her at night. This is from the book To Kill A Mockingbird.

Who told atticus dill ran away?

When Dill ran away and came to Scout for help she was prepared to hide him. When Jem found out, he immediately told Atticus, thus driving a deeper wedge between Jem and Scout.

What does scout childish attempt at conversation accomplishe?

Flustered the men

Who is supposed to get the pearl necklace when Atticus dies in To Kill A Mockingbird?

Scout is supposed to get the pearl necklace when Atticus dies in "To Kill a Mockingbird". Atticus instructs Scout to give it to Jem and wear it for him, symbolizing the bond between the siblings and their father's love.