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yes they had played football on Christmas Day and the next day they carried on with war, the score is unconfirmed and they enjoyed themselves, finding themselves happy, until the war continued for many years more...


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Q: In the world war 1 did they play football on Christmas day?
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They had a ceasefire, and played a bit of football.

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There was a football game on Christmas day DURING world war I

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Football ( and smoking, drinking singing and eating), on Christmas Day

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yes and there was also a game of football between the two sides

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The first Christmas during WW1: 1914. The last act of chivalry.

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I don't think so, but probably on Christmas Day.

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no they did not, they put up a white flag and started to play rugby then while the other team were playing we killed them all

What was the date in world war 1 that they played football?

It is possible that you are referring to an incident in WW1 where the protagonists played football against each other on Christmas day. Many on the side of the allies were disciplined for it.

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