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Q: In the years after turning away from strict communism in the early 1990s bulgarias economy?
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Fascism is a political ideology that became popular in certain countries following World War 1 and was a response to fear of?

communism and economic instability. Fascism is characterized by authoritarianism, nationalism, and the suppression of political dissent. It places strict control over the economy and promotes the dominant role of a single leader or party.

What are 3 pros and 3 cons of communism?

communism PROS: 1) everyone is treated equally 2) everyone is employeed 3) very little crime because of strict laws communism CONS: 1) everything belongs to the government 2) no rights or freedoms 3) strict laws enforced on the people

Is colombia a communism country?

No, They are a strong US ally and follow a strict free market policy

How did Chinese communism differ from communism in the soviet union?

Soviet communism is where everyone is equal. All the money you make goes to the betterment of the communist state. Inchina people can make there own businesses and keep the money that they make. BUT the similarity is that there country's are both run by a huge council of men. SO if the USA was communist each state would have a mini dictator that all report to the major... president.

What type of economy has the government make all choices?

Command Economy

During a driver's test is it ok to let the steering wheel slide back into position after turning?

it depends on if you have a strict instructor

How was Nuremberg laws a turning point?

From then on, anti-Jewish and 'racial purity' measures and the treatment of Jews as second-rate citizens who could no longer play any role in German society and economy had a strict and detailed legal basis. It immediately influenced the daily life and job situation of millions of people.

Which economic system has become associated with authoritarian governments and total control of the economy?

The command economy is the economic system that is associated with authoritarian governments and total control of the economy. The government imposes strict control of the production activities, pricing and exports.

How are communist countries ruled?

Firstly, Communism (classless stateless society based on production for use) will have to exist on a global basis, with no borders. Secondly, Communism has no class of rulers, as it will be a fully democratic system, with people in charge of their own lives.

Is Marxism theoretical or practical?

Marxism is a theoretical framework for the movement of society from a capitalist economy and an expansive government to a purely egalitarian economy and anarchy though numerous incremental stages. This process has never worked successfully but has been implemented repeatedly with various degrees of strictness and adulteration with other philosophies. Democratic Socialism is the most watered down and least strict implementation of Marxism and Communism is strictest implementation, but has never made it out of the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" intermediate stage.

What political party in power of North Korea?

The Worker's Party is the only political party in North Korea, ruled by Kim Jong-il in a very strict interpretation of Communism.

In the 1790s a federalist would most likely have supported what?

a national bank, a limited national government, an economy based on farming, and the strict interpretation of the Constitution.