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I put the question for people who doesn't know but i know it it is Socialism

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Q: In this type of economy the government owns the basic mean of production?
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Which type of government you mean? To some extent a communist government.

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Industry refers to the production of an economic good (either material or a service) within an economy.

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By open economy it means that economy in which private people are allowed to participate in making economic decisions while,by closed economy it means the economy in which the government is the one planning for the whole society

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When tasks in an economy are specialized there are a number of things that happen. This will enhance efficiency and there will be increased production level as each department is monitored individually.

What does the idiom 'underground economy' mean?

The part of a country's economic activity that is unrecorded and untaxed by its government.

What do you mean by an economy?

An economy (or the economy) is the realized economic system of a country or other area. It includes the production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of goods and services of that area. The study of different types and examples of economies is the subject of economic systems.