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The current terminal or console.

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Q: In unix where the standard output is usually directed?
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Define the term cat in unix?

'cat' is short for concatenation; it is a Unix utility program to print the contents of 1 or more files on the standard output. It is similar to the 'type' command in Windows.

What is a filter in Unix?

A Unix filter is a command pattern that allows the output of one command to be "piped" into the input of the next command. Commands like 'ls' which list a directory are not filters since they only generate output. Filter examples are grep, sed, sort, uniq, awk. Commands in Unix are usually filters unless they only create output, like 'ls', 'vi', etc.

In UNIX what is default output device?

No vaselating' what the default output device means is newtral...

Brief description of format command in unix?

There is no standard 'format' command in Unix.

What is Tee Command in unix?

The Unix/Linux tee command permits the forking of a data pipe in a shell script or at the command line. The teecommand does this by both writing it's standard input to a file and to it's standard output simultaneously. Most implementations of tee provide for both file overwrite/creation and file appends by command line switch options.

What do CD command do in unix?

The 'CD' command is not standard for Unix. The 'cd' command, however, will change directories (folders). It is a means of navigating the Unix file system.

What is pipe Command in unix?

A "pipe" is where output is redirected to another program. It exists in Windows as well as Unix (although you don't see much of it in Windows usage).The character used in piping is the pipe character ('|').For example, you wanted to create a MD5 hash of the message "Hello World!" you'd do echo "Hello World!" | md5sum. The echo command will output "Hello World" to standard output (also called stdout), and the pipe will redirect that to the md5sum utility, which will calculate the MD5 hash from the output as input.

What resembles the standard UNIX model?

GNU/Linux, and the BSD descendants follow design and operation principles largely similar to UNIX.

What is the relationship of POSIX1 to Linux?

POSIX is a standard designed to ensure API compatibility between Unix and Unix-like operating systems operating systems. Linux implements most of the POSIX standard, but is not certified as such.

Where can you get a Unix shell for Windows?

A Unix shell can be obtained in Cygwin, a Unix compatibility layer used to compile Unix programs and run them on Windows. Microsoft also makes a shell known as "Windows PowerShell" which incorporates more Unix-like features than the standard command prompt.

Show the advantages of redirection with example in unix?

I/O Redirection is used when you don't want the output to go to the standard output location, e.g., the screen. It can be very helpful in capturing information to be used in a later process. For example, if the command 'ls' is used the output goes to the screen. But if the command 'ls > ls.out' is used, then the ls command output will be redirected to a file called ls.out, which can be examined, edited, or used in a later process.

How can you find out if you have the permission to send a message in UNIX?

%ls -l if we get output -rw---- then we have permission to send message