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The Persian Empire covered many countries, but was primarily based and organized in the modern state of Iran.

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Q: In what Islamic country can the Persian empire be located?
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What country is persain located in?

Persain is not located in a specific country. It is likely a misspelling of "Persian," which refers to the Persian Empire historically located in present-day Iran.

What modern day country was the Persian empire located in?

It was centred in Iran, and stretched from Libya to Pakistan.

On what continent is the southwestern part of the Persian empire located?

it is Egypt because the persian empire is not in Africa

How large did the Persian empire get?

as the Persians mass army conquered country after country there was more land and more soldiers willing to fight for the Persian empire it continued to be like that country after country....and that is how the Persian army get large:)

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Scythia was located outside the Persian Empire, by the Black and Caspian seas.

What country did the ancient Persian Empire originate from?

The Ancient Persian Empire originated in what is modern-day Iran.

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What are facts about the ancient Persian Empire?

The ancient Persian empire was located where Iran is today. Babylon was its capital city.

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Experts suggest Halicarnassus was an ancient Greek city in the Persian Empire which was located in the Bodrum area of Turkey.

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Where is the Persian Empire located?

Persia is now Iran.