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Q: In what Scripture does God tell us that plants are for the needs of people and animals?
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In what Scripture does God tell us that plants are for the needs of man and animals?

See Genesis 1:29-30.

Can plants live without man and animals without plants?

No, because man and animals produce carbon dioxide and plants needs carbon dioxide.

How does severe water shortage affect the needs of people plants and animals in the area?

they cannot use alot of water to water plants

What are 4 needs that plants and animals need?

Plants and animals needp:food,water,reproduction,digeston.

How are animals useful to the plants?

Animals are useful for plants bacause tja e plant needs carbon in night and animals do need

Why are earth's plants and animals considered to be natural resources?

Because they are used to support and meet people's life needs.

What are some needs of the animals in the aquarium that the plants can provide?

The some need of the animals in the aquarium that plants can provide is oxygen.

What are the needs of plants that animals can provide?

Spreading the seeds for the next generation of plants.

Who needs fresh air?

humans, plants, and animals needs fresh air

What 4 needs animals and plants share?

water habbit

How are animal useful to plants?

Animals are useful for plants bacause tja e plant needs carbon in night and animals do need

How are plants and animals interrelated by their food needs?

Animals eat plants. When animals die, they decompose, fertilizing the soil and providing the necessary nutrients for plant growth.