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Jonas felt pain in his leg in Chapter 23 of "The Giver" when he was traveling through the forest with Gabriel.

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Q: In what chapter did Jonas feel pain in his leg?
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In Chapter 14 of "The Giver," Jonas experiences the sensation of pain for the first time when he accidentally sleds downhill and breaks his leg. This pain is a new and intense experience for him as the Giver has shielded him from physical discomfort in the past.

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In Chapter 13 of "The Giver," the painful memory that the Giver transmits to Jonas is the memory of a broken leg. This memory is meant to teach Jonas about pain and suffering, as well as to prepare him for the harsh realities of the outside world.

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I feel pain in my right side near waist after this i feel small pain in my right leg . when i open my legs i feel tension in my adductor muscles.

How does Jonas react when the giver gives him memory of breaking a leg in a sledding?

Jonas reacts with shock and pain when the Giver gives him the memory of breaking a leg in sledding. He experiences the physical pain and fear associated with the memory, as it is a new and intense sensation for him. This memory helps him understand the concept of pain and injury more deeply.

What memory caused the first of Jonas enormous pain in the giver?

The memory of extreme physical pain caused the first of Jonas' enormous pain in "The Giver". He experienced the memory of a broken leg in his training to become the Receiver of Memories.

What is the first painful memory and what is it and effect on Jonas?

when he goes down the snow and breaks his leg and blood starts coming out

What memory of pain did Jonas receive?

Jonas received the memory of breaking his leg from The Giver. The intense pain and fear he felt during the memory helped him understand the concept of pain and suffering in a deeper way.