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While televisions were available in the 1930s, the popularity only increased drastically in homes during the late 1940s to the 1950s.

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Q: When did television become the first mass medium?
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Television First became a mass medium in the?

It was believed to be during the roman times

What is considered as true mass medium?


What is the most popular mass medium in Morocco?

In my opinion, television is the most popular mass medium in Morocco, the internet comes second and then,the print media in the third square :)

How do you write film is a mass communication?

I think what you are trying to say is that film is an "example of" mass communication. In other words, film (or movies) is one of the mass media. A mass medium sends out a message to a large and often distant and anonymous audience; we don't know who is listening to our radio show or who is reading our book, and the audience could come from anywhere. (And by the way, "medium" is singular-- radio is a mass medium. Radio and television are mass "media," plural.) Examples of mass media are radio, TV, movies, books, magazines, the internet, and newspapers. All of these are in the category known as "mass communication."

What is more effective as a medium fo mass communication?

It was once newspapers but in our modern world it is now Television

Do low mass and medium mass stars eventually become neutron stars?

Low and medium sized stars will end up as white dwarfs.

Do medium size stars become black holes?

No. They do not have enough mass to become black holes. Depending on the mass they will either become white dwarfs or neutron stars.

Is the name media an acronyme?

No, it is not. It is the plural of the Latin word "medium." A "mass medium" is another name for a method of communication that reaches large audiences. Radio is a mass medium (singular). Radio, television, movies, and the internet are examples of mass media (plural). Years ago, the terms "mass media" and "mass communication" were not in common use; in fact, they did not really become popular until the 1950s and 1960s, when scholars began to seriously study the effects that various types of media had on the public. Some people today use the word "media" as a singular-- they say "The media is important in society." But if you want to be grammatically correct, you will use it as a plural-- "The media are important in society."

What kind of stars become black holes low mass or medium mass or high mass?

High-mass stars might become black holes, if the remaining matter (after the supernova explosion) is sufficiently large.

What was the golden age of radio?

The golden age of radio was the 1940's, which was before television took over as the most important mass communication medium.

What is mass communiation?

By definition, mass communication is a message created by a person or a group of people sent through a transmitting device (a medium) to a large audience or market. It is the delivery of messages to general public by utilizing mass media such as national press, radio, and television.

How does a blue star become a yellow star?

It can't. A blue star is a high-mass star. A yellow star has a medium mass.