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Q: In what did the zealots rebel against Rome?
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What were the connections between the zealots and emperor Augustus?

There were none. The Zealots rebelled against Rome during the reign of Nero.

What did the zealots believe the Jews should do to gain their freedom?

The Zealots were a political movement in the first century. They sought to incite the people of Judea to rebel against the Romans and force them out of the Holy Land

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to say meow meow

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to say meow meow

What did the Zealots hope to acheive?

Their goal was to get the people of Judea Province to rebel against the Roman Empire and expel it from the Holy Land by force of arms

Who convinced maany Jews to rebel against the Romans?

The Zealots (around 67 CE), and later Bar Kokhba (around 135 CE).

What group rebelled against the Romans?


Did the Zealots convince many to rebel against the Christians?

The Zealots were not interested in rebellion against Christians. The Zealots were those Jews of the first and early second centuries who advocated rebellion against Impereial Rome in order to establish an independent Jewish country. Twice, once in the years 68-72 and again in 132-136, the Roman provence of Judea rose in revolt and drove Rome out of Jerusalem. Each time, all the Jews of Roman Judea were, whether they wanted to or not, forced to either join the rebellion or go into hiding. Each time, it took Rome a few years to mobilize a response to crush the rebellion. The responses they mobilized were massive, pulling in legions from as far away as Germany. The second revolt led Rome to rename Judea as Palistinia, ban Jews from ever living in Jerusalem (which they also renamed), and ban the teaching of Judaism.

Why did the Romans rebel against the taraquins?

The Romans rebelled against Taquinius Priscus, the last king of Rome, because he was a tyrant.

How are the Zealots and the Maccabees alike?

The Maccabees revolted against the Seleucid occupiers of Jerusalem and founded an independent Jewish kingdom. The Zealots rebelled against the Roman occupiers of Jerusalem (in 68) and tried to found an independent Jewish kingdom. Rome came back in force in the year 70 to 72 and smashed them.

The zealots were Jews who believed what?

They were Jews who rebel agaisnt the roman empire, in the first century of judaism

Who are the group that led a revolt against the Romans?

nananananan msmEWJUH There were actually three major slave revolts against Rome, but the only leader's name that has come down to us is Spartacus. He was the leader of the last slave revolt.