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Q: In what habitats would a plant adapted to store water in its stems and leaves most likely live?
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How are lavenders leaves adapted to their environment?

because no other plant can kill them or touch them

Explain how the cells in the leaves are adapted to their jobs?

they nake starch and produce energy for the plant.

What are the atoms in leaves?

Varies from plant to plant depending on what compounds are in their leaves. Most likely Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen.

What is special about the way leaves are arranged?

Plant leaves are basically photosynthesizing organs and therefore need sunlight. The arrangement of leaves such as opposite and decussate help the plant to receive maximum sun shine hence are better adapted.

How does the opuntia plant are adapted in the desert?

By having succulent stems with grooves and modifying leaves in to spines. The function of leaves is taken up by green stems.

How is a bean caper plant adapted for the desert?

It has no leaves, which means that water (which there is a shortage of in the desert [believe it or not]) can travel straight to the roots of the plant.

What is a xeromorph?

A xeromorph is any plant with the ability to store water in its leaves, which has intentionally adapted to survive in a dry climate.

How are the structures of a tree's roots and leaves well suited for their roles in supplying the tree with water and sugar?

The roots and leaves are adapted to fit the tree's/plant's needs.

If plant has fibrous root what type of venation do its leaves likely to have?


What is a suculant plant?

Succulent plants have adapted to dry, arid conditions, by storing water in its fleshy leaves and swollen stems.

How some of the cells in the roots and leaves are adapted to their jobs?

The cells in the roots and leaves are thin, which makes it easier for water to diffuse across into the plant. Another adaptation is their large surface area, which enables the plant to maximize the intake of water and minerals .

What are habitats and what creates habitats?

Habitat is the place a plant or animal lives.