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There are many different toys available for guinea pigs. The most famous is a plastic ball with air vents that the guinea pig can run around the floor in. Another famous toy are the different length and style of tubes that can be attached to their cages.

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Related questions

What sort of toys do guinea pigs play with?

they play with your toes

What toys do guinea pigs like to play with?

Some cat toys, specially made guinea toys, dog toys

Can guinea pigs have glass toys?

No. If it breaks it will cut them leading to fatal injuries.

What type of toys do guinea pigs play with?

Any toys that are non toxic, and keeps their teeth worn down.

What are good guinea pig toys?

Guinea pigs think nibbling, burrowing and sometimes tossing things about is fun

What toys for guinea pigs?

I would suggest getting chew toys and things with bells, unless you ahte the constant ring of bells and the sound of a happy guinea pig.

What is a guinea pigs behavior?

yes they are hyper they will like a big space to run about and toys

What are some fun toys or stuff for guinea pigs to play also how do you think in should decorate a themed cage?

guinea pigs are playful critters and are interested in almost everything!here are a few fun and safe toys!! 1.edible chew tunnel 2.wooden ball 3.wood blocks 4.plastic forks(strange but my pigs love these!) 5.igloo 6.rubber dog toys dont use cloth toys or sharp objects.

What country requires pigs must be provided with toys?

Never heard of a law like that in any country. It is a good idea because a guinea pigs teeth never stop growing. If they have no toys to chew on, they can not wear their teeth down to be healthy.

Do guinea pigs need exercise balls?

ABSOLUTELY NOT!Guinea Pigs have a natural upward curve of the spine. When you put them in an exercise ball you are forcing the spin in an unnatural position and its bone structure can't handle it! You should never put your Guinea Pig in an exercise ball. Give the Guinea Pigs ample room to run around, toys, and a mate and they will maintain their own fitness.

Why do guinea pigs like toys?

Toys will keep your piggie entertained while you are away and when they are alone! If it is a chew toy it keeps them occupied and keeps their teeth in perfect, healthy condition!

What else besides music do guinea pigs like?

Guinea pigs are rodents. They enjoy snuggling in their cages, feeling safe. Some enjoy being held or played with. Some may enjoy playing with small animal toys. Each guinea pig will have slightly different preferences.