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Guinea Pigs have a natural upward curve of the spine. When you put them in an exercise ball you are forcing the spin in an unnatural position and its bone structure can't handle it! You should never put your Guinea Pig in an exercise ball. Give the Guinea Pigs ample room to run around, toys, and a mate and they will maintain their own fitness.

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Q: Do guinea pigs need exercise balls?
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Do guinea pigs need to walk like dogs?

Guinea pigs, like all animals, need exercise or their muscles will atrophe (go soft). This is the reason tanks for guinea pigs usually have a wheel that the little animals can run around in for exercise.

Do pregnant Guinea pigs run away from home?

Most Guinea Pigs becomes lazy when they are pregnant,so most Guinea Pigs will not run away from home.But,Pregnant Guinea Pigs must need more exercise.

Why do they have guinea pig play balls if there not safe?

Many companies will sell products to consumers without researching the dangers behind them simply to make more profit. Guinea pigs body shape and nails are not designed to be used with exercise balls. Many pigs have had to be euthanized due to owners placing them in exercise balls or wire-bottom cages.

What kind of ball is good for Guinea pigs?

You shouldn't use balls to exercise guinea pigs. They have quite long bodies so running in one puts undo stress on their backs. Instead, use a fenced-in pen and let your guinea pig have fun running around inside it.

What type of guinea pigs can you breed?

eye balls and bread.

Do guinea pigs need a salt block?

Yes, guinea pigs should have a saltblock.

What can rabbits and guinea pigs not do?

Be together, eat each others food, use exercise wheels or balls, be left outside alone (if it's dark but also in the day for guinea pigs), be put in a pet shop cage, eat alfafa hay if they are not mature or pregnant etc

Can guinea pigs have scented wicker balls?

no that could only happen when its sick

Is a 95cm x 55cm guinea pig cage okay for two guinea pigs?

Certainly not ! Guinea pigs by their nature need plenty of space to run around, and get exercise. A floor area of 37 x 21 inches is far too small even for ONE Guinea pig !

Do guinea pigs need exercise?

YES!Ofcourse they do that's why they have wheels to run in another person: no, they run in the wheels to act cute

Can guinea pigs use hamster homes?

No guinea pigs cannot there wouldn't be enough space and guinea pigs aren't supposed to use exercise wheels that are usely in hampster cages (because they can easily hurt themselves).

Do guinea pigs have to get vaccines?

no, guinea pigs dont need vaccines and only need to be taken to the vet when ill or injured.